Tag Archives: kids talent agency melbourne

How to Get Your Child Into Performing Arts

kids talent agencies melbourne

Do you have a budding Oscar winner in your household? What about someone who wants to tread the boards on Broadway when they’re older. Maybe you’ve got the next pop music superstar under your roof. There are so many kids out there with huge personalities and love being the centre of attention. It could just be that they’ve got a career in the performing arts. But before you sign them up to kids talent agencies in Melbourne, there’s a few other things you can try.

Of course, navigating the world of acting, modelling and performing can be a little scary for parents. Especially if you don’t know where to turn. So, to make things a little easier, we’ve got some tips on how to get your children into performing arts.

Speak to your children’s school

Drama is always a big part of school life, because the creative side of children should always be encouraged. Even as part of their regular schooling, most children will be exposed to music, dance, public speaking, choir and drama. Most schools put on some kind of annual performance, and they even have smaller shows as part of special events.

If your child shows a knack for performing, have a chat to the school and find out what sort of opportunities are available.

Look for local performing and drama classes

Quite often, it’s a matter of learning to crawl before they can walk. Not all children can just walk onto a movie set or be the star of the school play. It takes a bit of work, and that’s why classes are great for kids of all ages. Kids talent agencies in Melbourne love hearing that your son or daughter already has some experience, so classes can be great for their ‘resume’.

The type of class all depends on your child’s interests, because some love dancing, others love singing and some want to be actors. Find the best class for their needs, and help them get started the right way.

Find kids talent agencies in Melbourne

Finally, if you feel like your child is ready to take on some paid acting or modelling work, you’ll need the best kids talent agencies in Melbourne on your side. Agencies represent your child, which means putting them forward for auditions and actively promoting them to clients. It’s a great way to get some real-life experience if they love acting or modelling. Plus, if they start getting work, a little extra money never hurts!

Looking for kid’s extra casting?

At Casting Kids, we represent children from 6 months to 16 years, and our main focus is finding perfect roles for our kids. We’ve got several trusted clients who rely on us to send our awesome kids along to auditions, so that’s what we do. We take our responsibility seriously as one of the leading kids talent agencies in Melbourne. If you’d like some help getting your child into acting or modelling, contact us today.

Modelling Kids Melbourne: What Types of Jobs Are There?

modelling kids melbourne

If you’ve thought about getting your children into modelling, then congratulations! Of course, everybody thinks their child is adorable, but if you really think they’ve got the right look and demeanour for modelling, there’s no time like the present. It can be a really rewarding opportunity for kids, and also great for their confidence. But you’re probably wondering exactly what sort of jobs are out there for modelling kids in Melbourne.

There’s actually a whole heap of jobs out there, but you may need the help of a child modelling agency in order to find them. Understanding the different types of modelling gigs is also important, so you know exactly what your child may need to do. Here’s a brief rundown of the types of modelling jobs kids in Melbourne might get.

Small business catalogue and website modelling

In all careers, very few people come from nowhere and land in the top jobs. The same goes for modelling, because everybody has to start somewhere. Smaller businesses may not have the budget and production scale of their larger competitors, but they still advertise.

Every website that sells clothing, toys and basically anything else needs child models from time to time. Jobs like this can be a great foot in the door and excellent for experience.

Larger business marketing campaigns

As we know, the bigger brands tend to have more money for their marketing campaigns that stretch across web, television, print media and catalogues. The scale of marketing is a bit bigger and more professional, so modelling kids in Melbourne may need some experience for these gigs.

Although physical catalogues are a bit of a dying medium, they are still used by larger companies. The biggest brands frequently send out catalogues to promote sales and special deals, and they all need models.

Television advertisement modelling

Not to be confused with acting, certain types of television commercials use child models rather than actors. You’ve probably seen the ads that basically just show kids wearing branded clothing, usually with a plain white background. It’s a little bit different in terms of production, but ultimately the kids are usually just playing around happily, modelling clothing or other items. Again, this will usually be the bigger brands and department stores rather than small retailers.

Fashion modelling for kids in Melbourne

Fashion modelling for kids in Melbourne does still exist, however it’s not as frequent as other modelling. When most of us think of fashion modelling, we picture glamorous fashion shows and runways for adult clothing. But on the odd occasion there’s a child’s equivalent, so keep an eye out if you think you’ve got the next runway king or queen!

The best agency to help with modelling for kids in Melbourne

At Casting Kids, we represent children from 6 months to 16 years. We treat all of our kids with the utmost respect and work hard get them in front of casting directors for our many clients. Our clients range from smaller businesses through to leading department stores and brands. To find out more, contact us today.

How to Apply to Talent Agencies in Melbourne

talent agencies in Melbourne

Your children are the most precious thing in your life, so you always want to make the right choices for them. If they’re interested in acting or modelling, you only want to consider trusted talent agencies in Melbourne. Even though you’ll be with your kids the whole time, you wouldn’t trust them to just anybody. So how do you find the right talent agencies to work with? Here’s a few tips to consider!

Firstly, do your research

Doing your research is the most important step you can take when considering acting or modelling for your kids. Of course, you want a great company with lots of industry contacts and clients, but safety is paramount. So, its important to check online for testimonials and ask for recommendations.


A talent agency’s reputation is your number one concern. Before you even worry about costs, likelihood of success or any other factors, you want a trustworthy agency to work with. You can check for recommendations online, read reviews, and also read carefully through their website.


Cost is another consideration when choose representation for your child. Some will ask for a percentage of earnings, while others charge an annual registration fee. At Casting Kids, we favour an annual fee because it ensures we’re working hard for all our kids.

Client base

Naturally, if you’re paying a registration fee, you’d like to know your talent agency has plenty of jobs coming in. While there’s never any guarantee of work, because the decision ultimately lies with the client, a good client base lets you know the agency has a reputation for quality.

Acting, modelling, or both?

Another thing you might like to consider is what your child specifically wants to do. Are they only interested in acting, or do they also want to try some acting? Some may feel comfortable in a modelling setting but not want tackle the acting side of things.

Most child talent agencies in Melbourne will handle both disciplines. However, it’s good to be clear on what your child wants to do, because it makes future discussions easier.

Contact talent agencies in Melbourne directly

Finally, the best thing you can do is contact talent agencies directly. Often, you simply need to meet with them to find out if they’re a good fit. Here at Casting Kids, we always arrange a meeting as a starting point, because we love to get to know you and your child first.

When you meet with any potential agencies, you can ask all of the questions you like, and they will no doubt have some for you too. In any meeting, look for transparency and honesty. Agencies who promise the world won’t necessarily be the right fit. Once you’re comfortable though, you can look forward to a great relationship with your new talent agency in Melbourne!

What Should a Child Casting Agency in Melbourne Offer?

child casting agency melbourne

If your child is interested in trying some acting or modelling, there are some great opportunities out there. The only difficulty is finding the right kind of help. That’s why you need a reputable, professional child casting agency in Melbourne. A lot of people understand the auditions process, and even what to expect on a set, but there’s not as much information available about what a casting agency should do for you. So, to help you navigate through choosing the right agency, this information should help!

What does a child casting agency in Melbourne Do?

Firstly, it’s important to understand what a child agency does. Many people think a casting agency guarantees work, however that’s not the case. An agency should represent your child at all times with honesty and transparency. Sometimes, that may even mean letting you know they can’t represent your child.

It’s the casting agency’s job to determine if they believe they can find work for your child, and if not, it would be unethical to take your registration fees. If an agency chooses to represent you, they should refer your child for work and actively promote them to clients. However, there is never any guarantee of work because casting directors and clients ultimately have the final say. That being said, without a child casting agency in Melbourne, it can be difficult to obtain auditions, so it’s definitely worth it.

Here are a few things a casting agency should offer.


Representation means referring your child for suitable jobs. Most reputable agencies will have a list of quality clients who regularly seek them out for actors and models. Larger clients particularly, won’t but open casting calls out to the public – they use agencies. So, in order to get the best jobs, a casting agency is a must.

Professional photo sessions

If you haven’t already got some professional photos, that’s ok. Agencies understand that children will have less experience than their older counterparts, so they can help. Most registration fees will include a professional photo session, because this makes it easier to market your child to acting and modelling jobs.

Profile on industry websites

There are entertainment industry websites and networks that make the whole process of referring and auditioning a lot easier. For example, at Casting Kids, all of our kids get a profile on Casting Networks. This is where the professional photo comes in, and we’ll put together a profile on your child’s behalf.

This gives casting directors and clients a way to easily receive referrals and select who they’d like to see for an audition. So, make sure your casting agency will be profiling your child to increase their chance of finding work.

Want the best child casting agency in Melbourne?

Here at Casting Kids, we’ve represented plenty of children, and we’ve also got a great list of clients. If you’d like to register your child for acting and modelling work, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us at any time if you have questions, or to find out more about what we do here at Casting Kids.

How to Find Extra Castings in Australia

extra castings

You might be wondering, do kids get jobs as extras in film and TV? Well yes, they sure do! Any film or TV show with scenes in a school or public place is likely to have kids and teens in the background. While extras work isn’t the glamorous life a movie star that kids dream of, it’s a step in the right direction. It can also generate some income along the way. So, how do extra castings work, and what should you expect?

Finding extra castings

The first step is to find roles for extras. You may not even need a casting agent for this, as many jobs are advertised on job websites and other outlets. This is because extras don’t need any particular set of skills, except for following direction. Therefore, you may not even be required to attend an actual casting.

However, if you’re registered with a casting agent and they receive a request for some willing extras, don’t be surprised to get a call. It’s certainly a chance to see how a production set works.

Prepare for the role, no matter how minor

Extras don’t need to memorise lines, but they do need to follow a few instructions. Sometimes, casting directors may put the call out for extras dressed a certain way. For example, they’re filming a scene involving a kid’s cricket game. So, they will want children of a similar age wearing cricket clothes. They may be seeking these extras because the production budget doesn’t include a bunch of cricket uniforms, so they want extras who already own them.

If your extras casting has these sorts of requirements, make sure you know exactly what’s expected. Your regular clothes will usually be fine, but you will be told in advance. Also, productions can’t wait around, so always be there early and ready to go.

Listen to instructions

When you’re on set, you don’t have a lot of responsibilities as an extra. But here’s where that saying, “You had one job,” could really apply if you mess up. All you really need to do is follow direction. You might be in a group of diners at a table. Perhaps swimming laps of a pool. You could also simply be strolling past behind the main scene. The role of an extra isn’t very high-pressure, so just make sure you listen while on set, and follow your instructions.

Looking for kid’s extra casting?

At Casting Kids, we represent children from 6 months to 16 years, and our main focus is finding perfect roles for our clients. If that includes extras casting, we would always discuss with you first. To find out more, contact us today.

Is Your Child Ready for a Kids Talent Agency in Melbourne?

kids talent agency melbourne

When children show an interest in acting or modelling, it can be hard to know where to start as a parent. The best way to get going is with a kids talent agency in Melbourne, but how do you know if your child is ready? We’ve put together a few helpful pointers, because we believe all parents should be informed before joining a kids talent agency.

Make sure they really want to join a kids talent agency in Melbourne

It’s an unfortunate fact that sometimes, parents may nudge children towards something they don’t really want to do. Kids acting and modelling is a great way to earn some money, and this can influence some parents. Furthermore, it’s not always with bad intentions. Parents just want their kids to do something fun and express themselves.

However, this can sometimes result in registering with a kids talent agency in Melbourne when the child doesn’t really want to. Not all kids want to do acting or modelling in a more professional setting, and that’s certainly ok! If your little ones are happier dancing around the living room and performing for the family, the main thing is that they’re happy.

Does your child have a flair for performing?

When considering acting or modelling for your child, it’s important to consider if they have that flair. Some kids out there are quiet and more reserved, and there’s no problem with that! All kids are different, and that’s what makes each of them so great.

While many casting agencies are kind and compassionate, it is still a business. So, if your child doesn’t have that certain flair or attitude for acting and modelling, an agency may choose not to represent them. It’s important to consider this first, because it can be disheartening for kids.

If you’ve got a shy child who does want to express themselves a little more, it’s worth trying to enrol them in some classes first. It might be dance, or drama, or even sports where they can let their personalities out. These are much better ways to test the waters, rather than throw them straight into professional acting.

Don’t put pressure on your child

Most importantly, don’t put your child under pressure. Talk with them, and explain what a kids casting agency does. If they sound excited, that’s certainly a good sign. But if they don’t, that’s totally ok too.

This goes for your first meeting with the casting agency, and in fact any subsequent auditions. Kids should know that it’s supposed to be fun, and they’re allowed to be themselves and enjoy it.

Find the best kids talent agency in Melbourne

At Casting Kids, we’ve got a reputation for being professional and kind. While we don’t represent every child, we certainly do meet with all aspiring actors and models. We promote diversity and inclusion, representing children of all abilities. If you’d like to find out more about the best kids talent agency Melbourne has to offer, contact us today at Casting Kids.

Where Do You Find Auditions for Kids in Melbourne?

kids auditions melbourne

So many parents struggle to find auditions for kids in Melbourne, even if their child is super keen to try acting. Many people also think it’s a really closed-off industry and impossible to get into. Well, here at Casting Kids we can certainly assure you that isn’t the case. In fact, there are plenty of opportunities out there if you know where to look.

Here are some ideas you can try if you’d like to find auditions for kids in Melbourne.

Use social media

Is there anything you can’t find on social media? People use it for so many different things, and finding auditions is no exception. It can take a bit of searching, but you can certainly find auditions and casting calls on social media.

When searching, make sure you follow any reputable companies you find along the way. This way, you can be notified in future and you’ll also be able to get in quickly. Social media is a great way to build your own little network, so use it to your advantage!

Join a reputable casting agency

Being registered with a casting agency is an excellent way to get exclusive access to auditions. Casting agencies work on your child’s behalf, putting them forward for auditions they think are suitable. This takes a lot of the hassle out of it from your end.

In addition, you’re also getting a shot at working for well established companies who use these casting agencies. To find out what to look for in a quality, reputable agency, read our blog here. Casting agencies often have a fee, but the rewards are certainly there because you’re not searching all around town for acting jobs. In a sense, they come to you!

Search online for auditions for kids in Melbourne

This one might be a no brainer, but searching online is an obvious way to find auditions. Casting calls are often advertised online, but you need to know where to look. Search classifieds, join child acting forums, and also try Google searches. Everything is there if you look hard enough. We do strongly suggest researching any company you apply to first though, because safety is paramount.

Find auditions for kids in Melbourne with Casting Kids

Casting Kids are always on the lookout for children with a bit of attitude and flair. We’re also strongly supportive of promoting differently abled kids who want to try their hands at acting. Diversity is important to us. Clients and parents trust us, because our reputation for professionalism has been built over many years. If you want to find auditions for kids in Melbourne, contact us today. We’d love to meet your family and see how we can help!

Choosing the Right Talent Agency for Your Child in Melbourne

kids talent agency melbourne

In our last post, we discussed the advantages of partnering with a child agency in Melbourne. To give you a brief recap, we said that a talent agency works alongside you to nurture your child’s career & safeguard their best interests. This time, we will go over the points to consider in finding the right one for your child.

Points to Consider in Choosing the Right Child Agency in Melbourne 

Years in the Industry

The years in the industry of a child agency in Melbourne can say a lot about them. A decade of experience can show how good they are in adapting to different clients’ requirements & any changes to it. 

It also means they have their finger on the pulse of the industry. They continuously take note of the latest trends in kids modelling & apply it as they see fit. By doing so, they provide their talent with the best chance of getting booked.

Diversity of Clients

Unless you’re looking for a child agency in Melbourne that only caters to a specific field, it’s good to find one that caters to different fields. These include television & radio commercials, film, catalogue & voice over, among others. Why? This provides a higher chance for your child to be booked. Moreover, this can help them discover talents which they may not have known before like acting. 

Online Presence

At the end of the day, kids modelling is still a business. So, a child agency in Melbourne who makes use of different marketing trends particularly digital marketing gets an advantage. For instance, having regular fresh content on their websites & social media profiles could help agencies rank higher in search engines. This, in turn, could help them land more clients which would mean more chances of getting booked for your child. Furthermore, when an agency regularly updates its website & profiles with their latest projects/bookings, they show potential talent & clients that they can deliver. 

Quality of Client & Talent Feedback

As with anything else, the quality of feedback from an agency’s clients & talent speaks volumes about them. It helps you gauge how they work as an agency. If their reviews are mostly negative, it’s best to proceed with caution if you plan to work with them. If it’s mostly positive, it could serve as an assurance that you’re working with a good team.

Commitment & Sincerity

Here’s a fact: a child agency in Melbourne can only commit to doing their best to promote your child. The decision to hire still falls on each client. So, be wary if a talent agency guarantees work for your child. They don’t have the final say. Clients do. 

Still, as we mentioned above, those who do their best to market & utilise different strategies gets an advantage. On that, the right agency will not only commit to promoting your kid but also do it with sincerity. They won’t just put your child forward for the sake of doing so. They will put their heart into it. They will make sure to represent your child as best as they could.

Friendly & Personalised Talent Management by Casting Kids

Here at Casting Kids, we make sure to provide a friendly & personalised approach in managing our talent & their families. The same goes for our clients. By having an intimate understanding of each child we represent, we can best put them forward. About this, we strive to promote diversity & inclusion in the industry. We do this by promoting kids of all abilities including those with Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome & limb differences. 

Then with our years of experience & by continuously studying the market, we have the highest chance of catering to what our clients look for. So, if you’re looking for a child agency in Melbourne, we’re just a call or email away. Alternatively, you can also reach us through Facebook or Instagram. We’re eager to help you discover & nurture your child’s potential.

The Advantages of Partnering with a Kids Talent Agency

kids talent agency melbourne

Partnering with a kids talent agency in Melbourne like Casting Kids is critical to your child’s career. From having industry connections to knowing what works best for your kids, an agency can greatly help your child. For this post, we will talk about the advantages of teaming up with one.

Working as one team

A kids talent agency in Melbourne works with you & your child. With a long-standing relationship with clients, agents can guide your child on how to best present themselves.

Here at Casting Kids, we become one team when you partner with us. While we cannot guarantee work for your child (no agency can) since the decision falls with each client, we always commit to putting them forward for each suitable work. If they get booked, we’ll celebrate with you. If they don’t, we’ll try again. 

Access to casting calls & auditions 

Major local & global brands only work with established agencies to get the talent they need. Teaming with a talent agency gives you access to casting calls & auditions which you would otherwise have not known about. Our years of experience have helped us develop industry connections that help us secure these. However, as mentioned above, we cannot guarantee that your child will get hired for each casting call or audition they go to. Still, their exposure to each one could put them front of mind or for consideration for a client’s future projects.

Safeguarding your child’s best interests 

A kids talent agency in Melbourne works with different clients. Before putting your child forward for a job, we screen clients first. We ask them the necessary questions. This also ensures that they are the right fit for your child & the agency. Thus, we help you not only get the best chance of getting your child booked but also nurture their modelling career.

Moreover, part of safeguarding your child’s best interest also means making sure you get paid as you deserve. A good kids talent agency in Melbourne negotiates with each client to get you a fair pay. Then once a job is done, we follow up with the client until we secure it.

Preventing future conflicts 

A kids talent agency in Melbourne knows the ins & outs of the industry. As agents, we don’t only help you nurture your child’s career but also avoid potential problems. We go through each contract to make sure everything is fair for the client & you. By reading the terms & explaining them to you, we also prevent future troubles. These include conflicts of interest in case a similar client wants to book your child.

Final thoughts 

With all things said, partnering with a kids talent agency in Melbourne has a lot of advantages. Our in-depth market knowledge & industry connections allow us to help you nurture your child’s budding career. Here at Casting Kids, this could not be more true. We take pride in having an ongoing relationship with each child & a thorough understanding of their personality.

If you’d like to chat about the modelling potential of your child or want to start working on it, we’re here for you. Just call us at 1300 020 285 or send an email to office@castingkids.com.au. You can also reach us through Facebook or Instagram.