Tag Archives: kids acting melbourne

Is Casting For Teens Different Than Casting for Younger Kids?

teenage modelling agencies melbourne casting for teens

If you’ve got a teen who is interested in acting or modelling, they will need to get used to casting. Casting for teens is the process of holding auditions to determine who is best suited to a role. For younger kids and babies, auditions aren’t too difficult. But when children become teenagers, the expectations are a bit higher.

We expect a different level of maturity and behaviour from teens in everyday life, and casting directors expect more too. Here are some of the big differences between casting for teens and casting for younger children.

Learning lines

In the case of casting for teens in acting roles, one of the biggest differences is that casting directors expect a little more. That usually surfaces in the form of learning lines. Prior to an audition, teen actors might be given part of a script to learn, because they’ll need to perform it at the audition.

This expectation doesn’t really exist for babies and younger kids, because their roles often don’t have lines. Not all teen roles have lines either, however it is more common. So, if you’ve got a teen who is following their acting dreams, they’ll need to be good at practising and memorising lines

Casting for teens clothing

While appearance isn’t everything, many casting directors indeed want a certain look. Teens who audition for roles should have a good understanding of the character. It could be for a commercial on the beach, in which case, casual beach clothing is expected. The role may call for the teen to wear a suit, so your teen should dress accordingly for the audition.

As a parent, you’re not dressing your teen anymore. However, it pays to be aware of these requirements so you can guide them through the audition process.

Ability to take direction

When younger children attend auditions, they don’t need to take a lot of direction. That’s because casting directors are more just looking for a certain personality, temperament or look. However, as children get older, there’s an expectation they can take direction.

For example, your teen may have learned some lines before the audition. They perform those lines, but the director wants to see a little more. They may ask the actor to perform in a certain way, and they expect that a teen actor can handle that.

It could be showing different emotions, reading different lines or even auditioning for an entirely different role. It pays to be ready for anything when auditioning.

Need help finding casting for teens?

Casting Kids has become known as one of the most respected child modelling and acting agencies. That’s because we have genuine care for our kids, and we also have an impressive list of clients. This means more audition opportunities for your child, and a better chance of success. We’re fully inclusive, and will represent any child from 0-16 regardless of abilities. To find out more about how we can help your child achieve their dreams, contact our friendly team today.

The Unseen Value of Melbourne Acting Agencies

melbourne acting agencies

If you’re considering getting your child into acting, this article explains why you need Melbourne acting agencies. However, we’re not going to be looking at the standard, obvious reasons you want an agency’s help. Here is some of the hidden value of signing with an acting agency.

Advice and support

Perhaps the most invaluable resource your acting agency can provide is advice. Especially where kids are concerned, they’re not likely to have a lot of experience. Acting for kids is often very different to adult acting where there’s an expectation that everybody has a certain level of proficiency.

For kids, the whole industry is new, so getting some advice from your agency is always helpful. It could be something simple, like giving you ideas on how to improve your child’s chances – maybe acting lessons or participating in local plays. Whatever advice and ongoing support you get from your agency are going to help your child in the long run.

Early notice for upcoming opportunities

When you’ve got an agency looking out for you, you’ve got more chance of finding work. That’s a given, because your agency should be contacting you when auditions come up. But the hidden benefit here is that agents know which jobs are coming up, even before they’re announced. Through their industry contacts, Melbourne acting agencies have the inside word on upcoming TV shows, movies and other larger projects that will be coming up in future.

This gives you an opportunity to plan, practice, and get your child ready for future opportunities. It’s always great to have a little advantage over the competition, and being able to prepare early for upcoming auditions is certainly one of those advantages.

Industry network profiles

While you won’t get it with all Melbourne acting agencies, one of the benefits you often find is having a profile on important industry networks. Here at Casting Kids, we provide all of our registered child actors with a profile on Casting Networks. It serves almost as a resume or portfolio, not to mention some other benefits.

So, if you’re serious about getting your child into acting, consider signing up with a reputable Melbourne acting agency. Having these profiles can mean your child gets more work.

Find the best Melbourne acting agencies today

Casting Kids has been helping children realise their dreams for over 16 years. We’re fully inclusive, signing children of all abilities. We’re also honest about your prospects, so if we feel that we won’t be able to find work for your child, we’ll tell you straight away. We love what we do, and we’re fully invested in helping our kids find work and get their start in the industry.

Contact Casting Kids today to arrange a meeting. We make a point to meet all of our children and their parents before signing, just so that we can understand your expectations and goals, and you can all ask as many questions as you like. To get started, simply call or fill out the registration form today!

How to Start Child Acting in Melbourne

child acting

Does your child love being in the spotlight? Always eager to perform in front of family and friends? Not every child is interested in, or suitable for acting, but so many children enjoy the art of performing. If yours wants to explore acting as a career, or even just a way to make a little extra money, there are plenty of ways to do it.

Get involved in school drama

The way that many children generate an interest in acting is through school. It might be school plays, drama classes or other opportunities to perform. If your child expresses an interest in acting, this is definitely the first place you should look. Most schools encourage the performing arts and therefore your child should have many chances to see if they enjoy it.

The great thing about this is there’s very little cost. So, if they decide they don’t like performing, you’ve lost nothing but some time.

Acting and dance classes

The next step, if your child does enjoy performing, is to get them enrolled in some more professional classes. Depending on their age, acting and dance classes aren’t necessarily too full-on. But they will learn the basics of performing. They also learn how to follow directions and develop coordination skills. Again, if your child realises they don’t enjoy it, that’s ok. Trying things is exactly how they discover what they’re passionate about.

Find child acting representation

You can try to find auditions advertised online or elsewhere. That’s certainly how some people are discovered. However, getting auditions through a reputable casting agency is a much better way to go. Firstly, you’ll end up working with clients who have been ‘vetted’ by the agency. This means they should provide safe working environments, be reliable with payment and understand how to work with kids.

Secondly, you’ll get more exposure to a range of auditions. Reputable child acting agencies usually have a lot of clients, plenty of work, and more opportunities for your child.

Prepare for auditions

Finally, to get that first acting job, your child will need to do well at auditions. Your casting agency can help with tips, but it’s all about preparation. Check out our article here for some more ideas on audition preparation. Nail those auditions, and there’s no telling how far your child could go. The world of acting is a lot of fun, so if your child loves it, encourage them wherever possible.

Want to start your child acting?

Casting Kids has been representing children from babies through to 16 years old for more than a decade. As a fully inclusive casting agency, we work with children of all abilities. If your child wants to explore the world of acting, we’d love to meet them. We like to meet all of our kids and families so that we can understand your child’s goals and interests. It’s that personal service that sets us apart from the rest.

For the best child acting agency in Melbourne, contact Casting Kids today and find out how we can help.

Types of Kids Acting Jobs in Melbourne

acting jobs in melbourne

There are some great opportunities for budding performers to secure acting jobs in Melbourne. Some of the country’s leading television networks and national brands have their base in Melbourne. This opens up a considerable market for kids wanting to make it big in the industry. The types of roles for kids range across speaking and non-speaking roles, extras work, and commercial advertising on television and online.

When seeking acting jobs in Melbourne a great advantage is to work with a kid’s casting agency that has all of the appropriate contacts to get your child auditions. For an idea of what types of kids acting jobs in Melbourne your child may be suitable for, here we will explore just a few.

Television or film

There are always roles for kids in television or film. Your child may secure a role as the main character in a television series or film, or be part of the supporting cast. Either way, getting hired for this type of role ensures that your child will be working regularly for the duration of the project.

The best way for your child to secure a role in television or film is to engage a kid’s casting agency. A reputable agency has the knowledge and experience within the industry to promote your child to the right people. Similarly, this will open up more opportunities for your child to attend auditions.

Television and film acting can be some of the toughest work in the industry. In order to gain traction and recognition, your child needs to put in the hard yards. From audition prep and dealing with knockbacks, to memorising lines and staying motivated and enthusiastic when on set, it takes a strong will and resilience to go all the way in TV and film.

Extras work

When a scene calls for a public setting, more than likely there will need to be extras in the background. Especially when set in a school or park. If your child is just starting out in acting, they can get a feel for the process in a non-speaking role. Before they delve deeper and audition for roles that require learning lines. Background or extras work, offers your child the chance to dip their toe in the acting waters and may lead to bigger things later in their career.

Marketing campaigns

Along with traditional forms of television advertising, there is another form of advertising that has gained popularity in recent years. Online marketing campaigns provide your child with yet another acting avenue to gain experience and build their ‘acting chops’.

Similar to a traditional TV advertisement, this form of marketing is built for social platforms like YouTube, Facebook, or Instagram. They are the ads you see before or during the video you have clicked on. Or you will scroll through in your socials feed. Your child can be the face of the next big trend to appear on a regular rotation online. This is great exposure to a wide audience far greater than local television can provide. And offers great opportunities for your child to get noticed by industry giants all over the world. A small start that can lead to great things.

Looking for acting jobs in Melbourne?

At Casting Kids, we know talent when we see it. Our experienced, friendly staff are dedicated to finding acting jobs in Melbourne for your child. Contact us today to discuss the next steps on the road to acting success for your child.

Things To Know About Acting in Australia

acting australia

Acting – what a rewarding, multifaceted and interesting adventure your child is embarking on! As an actor, your child will be exposed to new environments, interact with a host of new people, and build their confidence sky-high. They will be presented with so many opportunities to expand their skills. And for those with the dedication to stick with it, your kid can turn their hobby/interest into paid employment.

But before setting off on their acting journey, there are a number of considerations you and your child should think about. For example, is this something your child wants to invest a lot of time into? How do you go about finding work in the industry? And what is an audition?

Well don’t worry! We are here to answer your questions and tell you what you need to know about acting in Australia.

Interest in acting Australia

Firstly, whilst it may seem like all glitz and glamour on the big screen, behind the scenes is a lot of hard work and persistence. From preparation and auditioning, to dealing with (what can be a number of) knockbacks, it takes some fortitude and self-confidence to keep at it and succeed.

Subsequently, you should have a chat with your child about the time they will need to put in. And that this may mean sacrificing in other areas, for example hanging out with friends, or other after-school activities. In doing so, you will make sure your child is aware of what’s involved and is still 100% committed, before starting out.

Reputable agency

Your next job when pursing acting in Australia will be to find work for your child. This can be confusing and overwhelming if you are new to the industry. Therefore, choosing to engage a reputable agency is an extremely helpful, and influential, step toward success.

A good agency will have legitimate industry connections and experience in representing child actors. They will help you navigate the numerous facets involved in kids acting. Importantly, they will connect your kid with the right people and put them forward for suitable roles.

The right agency will be integral in getting work for your kid. So, interviewing your chosen agency is vital to ensure they are a good fit.

The audition

Finally, once you have engaged an agency to represent your child, the audition process comes next. Above all else, the key to success is preparation. Learning lines front to back is the best way to ensure your child is noticed. Additionally, if the role is for a specific type of person, for example a schoolchild, they should dress the part for the audition. This will help them stand out from the crowd – extremely important when auditioning!

Overall, your child will be competing against a lot of other children. Therefore, preparation and demonstrating knowledge of the role are imperative to ensure their name goes straight on the short-list.

Want your kid to start acting in Australia?

Casting Kids pride ourselves on our personalised approach to each individual child and their family. With a focus on finding work for all of our clients, we represent children of all abilities between the ages of 0-16 years. So, if you want the best start in acting for your child, contact us at Casting Kids.

Tips for Kids Casting in Melbourne

kids casting melbourne

If your child is interested in acting or modelling, you’ll need to learn a little about kids casting in Melbourne and auditions. Kids can have a lot of fun with acting roles, and also with modelling. But it can also be a competitive industry, so we’re giving you some tips to help your child get the most out of their performance pursuits!

Make sure your kids really want to try acting or modelling

Firstly, it’s really important that you speak to your kids about acting and modelling. They may see actors on the TV and want to be just like them, but they need to know it’s also hard work. Going to casting sessions or auditions is stressful. They’ll need to learn lines, need to follow direction. It’s not all fun like it may be in a primary school play.

Also, don’t try to push kids into acting or modelling. If they don’t really enjoy it, that will show in auditions. For kids who love acting, it can be a whole heap of fun. For those who are nervous and not confident, it can be an upsetting experience.

Find a reputable agency for kids casting in Melbourne

Once you’re certain that your child is keen to give acting or modelling a try, find a reputable child agency. Look for agencies who have a good client list, and be open-minded about everything they offer. Quality agencies for kids casting in Melbourne will schedule a meeting where you can ask any questions. The first meeting is all about getting to know you and your child, but it’s also a chance for you to do your research. If you don’t feel comfortable, there’s no need to pursue that agency any further.

Prepare for each casting session

Now, for the tips that can help your child perform well at casting and auditions! Really, the key is in the preparation. Every audition is different, so you’ll need to be prepared to help your child get ready. Some will give you some lines to learn in advance. Others are more free-flowing and just want a sense of your child’s personality.

If an audition does include lines, kids who memorise their lines and deliver them confidently usually do well. You can also help them imagine what their character is like, and help them practice delivering the lines in character.

Dress for the part

Dressing appropriately is also crucial to success at auditions. You don’t need to have a full costume supply at home, but choosing outfits that suit the role is important. It definitely pays to have a nice range of clothes, such as casual, formal, beachwear – all the types of clothes kids would wear in everyday life.

Looking for the best kids casting in Melbourne?

Casting Kids represents children from 6 months to 16 years-old. We embrace diversity, and promote our children to a range of respected companies. We can help you get to those elusive casting sessions, and then it’s your time to shine! To find out more, contact us today.

How to Navigate the World of Acting for Kids in Melbourne

acting for kids in melbourne

How many children have you heard say they want to be famous? Or they want to be in the movies like their favourite actors? It’s not an uncommon dream for youngsters, but it’s not quite always as simple as getting an audition and snaring a role.

There’s a lot that goes into helping kids pursue a dream of acting, so here’s some tips to help guide you through.

Ensure your child really want to try acting

Firstly, make sure your child is serious about giving acting a try. Wanting to be like Captain Marvel or their favourite TV stars is one thing. But really wanting to get up and perform in front of people is another.

Do your research, and find out exactly what’s involved in acting for kids in Melbourne. Talk to your child about the whole process, and see how they feel. If they’re not too serious about it, it’s better to find out now rather than later!

Find a reputable casting agency

The most important step in starting a career in acting is finding a reputable casting agency. You want to find one with plenty of regular clients, preferably larger names who advertise regularly. This gives your child more opportunities to attend auditions.

Likewise, look for an agency who really cares. Your child won’t get the support they need from an agency solely focused on money.

Preparation is the key for auditions

Once you child starts getting referred to auditions, it’s really their time to shine! However, standing in front of a casting director and being adorable isn’t always enough. If there are lines involved, your child should do everything in their power to learn them and be comfortable saying them in front of people.

For more involved roles, help your child really get a feel for the character and practice performing as them. Help your child dress appropriately for the roll also, and they’ll have every chance of success.

Acting for kids in Melbourne and school

If your child lands a regular gig on a TV show, the questions is always asked whether school will be affected. Well, the short answer is, school will change. Filming may occur during school times, but most productions involving children will help out with tutors. Aside from that, smaller productions and auditions may also occur during school hours. So, you’ll need to manage this effectively. We find that talking to schools in advance is a great option to ensure your child doesn’t fall behind.

Keep checking in with your kids – is it still fun?

Finally, make sure you’re always checking in with your kids. Unfortunately, their interests and passions change quite regularly. If they’re only attending auditions because they think you want them to, they’re not going to have as much fun. Always check in to see if they’re really enjoying themselves and whether acting for kids in Melbourne is still something they want to do.

The best agency to help with acting for kids in Melbourne

At Casting Kids, we represent children from 6 months to 16 years. We treat all of our kids with the utmost respect and work hard get them in front of casting directors for our many clients. To find out more, contact us today.

Melbourne Acting Agencies Advice for Kids

melbourne acting agencies

Kids of any age who are interested in acting will be very excited if given an opportunity to pursue their passion. However, it’s not quite as easy as getting an audition and hitting the big screen. There’s a lot of work that goes into acting, and sometimes even a lot of disappointment. Likewise, it’s a great challenge and also extremely rewarding. So, if you’ve got little ones who are interested in acting, here’s some advice from one of Melbourne’s acting agencies.

Be comfortable performing in front of people

This might be an obvious piece of advice, but stage fright is a very real thing! Especially during auditions, it’s a pretty daunting experience for anybody. Even if you ace the audition, all acting requires some public performance. Even if you’re not on stage, there are usually plenty of people watching you on set.

So, before you consider acting as a career, make sure you enjoy performing in front of several pairs of eyes!

Make acting about fun, not money

For many, acting is a career. For kids though, you need to maintain an element of fun. Even if your heart is set on having a career as an actor when you’re older, it’s important not to lose your childhood.

Make sure acting is still fun, rather than just a financial pursuit, because you’ll enjoy it for far longer if you maintain that fun.

Be willing to test yourself

Acting is a tough business in the sense that there’s far more actors out there than there are roles. That means you can’t always be too choosy about the roles you audition for. You may not think an opportunity is perfect for you, however like most things in life, acting is all about challenging yourself.

Melbourne acting agencies need you to ‘prepare, prepare, prepare’

Preparation is always the key in acting, because it significantly helps your performance. For auditions, always learn your lines thoroughly. You should also make sure you dress appropriately and really understand the role you’re auditioning for. When it comes to nailing an audition, preparation is everything!

Be able to take direction

If you’re not able to take direction and follow instructions, you won’t have a great career in acting. Most directors have a very clear picture of what they want you to say, do and how to look. When you’re on set, you’ll need to be comfortable following instructions and taking the job seriously.

Missing out on a role is part of acting

Finally, prepare for a little disappointment along the way. There aren’t many actors of any age who are successful in winning every role they audition for. Plus, especially while you’re young it’s all a learning experience. So, if you miss out on a role, don’t get disheartened. Just try to learn what you could have done better, and move on to the next opportunity!

Only work with the best Melbourne acting agencies

At Casting Kids, we represent children from 6 months to 16 years, so for the best Melbourne acting agencies, look no further. To find out more, contact us today.

How Does Acting and Modelling for Kids Affect School?

casting for teens

When children develop an interest in acting or modelling, they’ll be happy to skip school for some work. But the fact is, acting jobs, and to a lesser extent modelling, will have an impact on their school work. Many casting sessions occur during school hours. So, while it may not be a big deal to skip a few hours for a casting session, the actual job is a different story.

If your child is lucky enough to be chosen for acting work, the time requirements increase dramatically. Here’s a few ways that acting and modelling can affect a child’s schooling, and how to cope with it.

Take control

Firstly, it’s important to remember that you’re in control. When it comes to your child’s well-being, you need to put them first. Acting and modelling comes second. Children will of course always want to go and do something fun, especially if it means getting out of school! But it’s your right as a parent to just say no if things are impacting their education too much.

At the end of the day, a child’s education is the most important thing. Therefore, you should never feel pressured by casting agents, directors or anybody else. You’re the parent, so you have the final say.

Work together with the school

Chances are you’ll need some assistance from your child’s school if they’re taking up acting or modelling. Firstly, you may ask if teachers can provide you with some work that students can do at home. This may not be an issue for a one-off casting session, but for long-term acting jobs they will need to stay up to speed with the rest of the class.

Also, if your child is picked for a TV show or longer production, the agency applies for a permit so your child can work. To get this permit, the school will need to sign off on it. So, just be upfront with your school and work with them to make sure everything is above board.

Tutors on set

Finally, if your child makes it onto a larger production, they have a right to have tutors on set. You’ll still need the school’s assistance in delivering appropriate work, but a tutor is there to help. It’s not uncommon for larger productions to have tutors on standby, and this can also form part of the job contract.

Find an acting and modelling agency that cares

To make sure your child’s education isn’t affected by acting and modelling jobs, having the right casting agency behind you can help. Not only can they assist with contracts when it comes to having tutors available, or study time built into scheduling, but they can also guide you and your child through the process. A great casting agency is there to help your child, and they will always ensure their well-being is a top priority. Contact us today if you want the right agency to represent your child’s acting and modelling career.

Acting and Modelling: Signs of a Quality Child Agency

child agency melbourne

If your child is showing signs that they may be interested in modelling or acting, then it can be an amazing thing. Pursuing such a career will help boost their confidence and give them skills they can carry throughout their lives. But as a parent, you certainly want to make sure they’re being looked after by the best child agency Melbourne has to offer.

Beware of false promises

Honesty and integrity are important things in all industries, particularly in modelling and acting. Unfortunately, not every child agency in Melbourne will have your child’s best interest at heart. Some tell-tale signs of this are over-confidence and over-promising.

Agencies that promise they can absolutely find acting and modelling work for your child should be viewed with a degree of scepticism. These types of agencies will allow every child to register with them – for a fee, of course.

Rather, look for agencies who are honest. While it may be hard to hear, a reputable agency won’t represent every child. Usually, it is only those who they genuinely believe they can find work for. Also, you should only be paying for an agency’s service if they are genuinely representing your child and putting them forward for work.

With free service, you get what you pay for

Another type of agency to watch out for are free ones. While everybody loves a bargain, the fact is, agencies don’t run on thin air. Registration fees from their carefully selected clients keep the business running. These fees cover all sorts of things, specifically marketing your child to clients.

Agents or agencies who say they’re happy to represent your child for free, in exchange for a percentage of their earnings, will generally not be a great fit. In essence, you get what you pay for.

Look for a child agency in Melbourne with guaranteed clients

Reputable agencies will have a diverse range of clients on their books. Firstly, this shows that they’re professional, and industry clients love dealing with them. Furthermore, it increases the chance of your child finding work.

If an agency can’t provide you a list of regular clients who they’re placing children with for work, it may be best to look elsewhere.

Looking for a great child agency in Melbourne?

If you’re looking for a child agency in Melbourne that you can really trust, look no further. At Casting Kids, we have a reputation as being honest, caring and professional. We also promote inclusion and diversity, representing children of all abilities. Families feel safe with us, and we hope you will too! Contact us today to find out how we can help get your child’s acting or modelling career started.