Tag Archives: baby acting auditions melbourne

How to Beat Nerves Before Auditions in Melbourne

kids auditions melbourne

If your child is getting ready to audition for an acting or modelling job, they’ll likely feel some nerves before the big day. But don’t worry, nerves are common among actors at all levels and it’s important to understand how to deal with them before your audition. The best way to get rid of or manage those nerves? Practice and preparation! These tips below can help you and your child get ready for auditions in Melbourne.

Get plenty of rest the night before

To reduce your chances of being nervous, it’s important to get plenty of sleep. How much sleep is enough? That depends on the individual. But generally speaking, we all need at least six hours in order to function at our best and feel rested.

Getting ready for bed may seem like a chore when you have an audition coming up in the morning, but good pre-sleep habits will help ensure a good night’s rest. Try to eat well the night before, and set aside some time before bed to just relax and take it easy. This will make it easier to fall asleep and get the required rest before the audition.

Practice makes perfect for auditions in Melbourne

One of the best ways to overcome your nerves is to practice. Practice in front of a mirror, practice in front of a friend or family member, or even record yourself and watch it back so that you can see how you did. Note: If your child is younger, they will likely need a lot of help when practising, so be prepared to give them a hand.

Even if there are no lines or scripts to learn, your child can always practice performing in some way. Whether it’s singing, dancing, or simply acting like the character they’re auditioning for, every little bit of practice can help.

Be aware of nerves and practice dealing with them

Firstly, it’s important to understand that nerves are perfectly normal.  Nobody gets cast in any role without feeling some kind of anxiety beforehand. So, don’t let nerves overtake your thinking. Accept them, and find some ways to address them. Younger children might not use tools like meditation or self-talk, but it can definitely help older children and teens.

Deep breathing can be a massive help, and you also shouldn’t put too much importance on the result. Missing one job doesn’t mean you’ll never work. Just be yourself, try to remain calm, and just focus on what you need to do, rather than the fact that people are watching.

Looking for auditions in Melbourne?

We provide children’s acting and modelling auditions to anyone from ages 6 months up to 16. In that time, we’ve learned how to truly help our kids achieve success at auditions in Melbourne. We’ve also built up an impressive list of quality, trusted clients we’re comfortable with. If you’re looking for reputable children’s agents in Melbourne, look no further. We’d love to have a chat about your child’s future in acting or modelling, so please contact us today.

The Dos and Don’ts of Baby Acting Auditions in Melbourne

babies modelling

So your baby is adorable, and you’ve decided to show the world! Rosy cheeks, toothy smiles and adorable giggles are just some of the best parts of baby actors. Brands are constantly on the lookout for the next face of their company. Baby acting auditions in Melbourne can be highly competitive, so it’s important to know how to give your child the best chance.

But how can you control the audition? What’s the best way to prepare? What should you bring? Let’s talk about some of the dos and don’ts of baby acting auditions in Melbourne, and how to have to best experience for you and your child.

Do: Dress your baby like a baby

While it might be tempting to dress your child up in frilly outfits or mature costumes, it’s important to remember the audition’s purpose. Baby acting auditions in Melbourne are for one thing – babies! The casting directors want to see your child looking its age, so dress your baby in simple, neat, age-appropriate clothes. If you’re auditioning for a specific brand, it’s also worth thinking about competitor labels to ensure brand names aren’t distinctly visible.

Don’t: Be late for auditions!

Your child may be the most important part of your world, but casting agents will likely have an entire roster of babies to see during the audition process. If you’re late, you will more than likely you’re your audition, and all the preparation will have been for nothing. When attending your auditions, make sure to arrive early before your slot. Always be fully ready to meet with the directors when your baby’s name is called.


Do: Come prepared with a photo and measurements

When you arrive at the auditions, the agents will likely take a digital photo of your child to show what they look like at the casting. However, you should also bring a current photo of your baby from home, along with recent measurements – babies change very fast, so make sure that everything is up to date!


Don’t: Distract your child

Babies might be cute, but they are also fascinated by everyone and everything around them. To give your child the greatest chance of success, try to minimise distractions during the audition process. Have the least attached parent attend the audition, and check beforehand to see if your baby is transfixed by anything bright or noisy that may interrupt or affect the casting.


Do: Learn from your mistakes!

From showing up late to forgetting favourite toys, every parent makes mistakes when it comes to their baby’s acting audition. While you can’t take them back, it’s important to make a note of what did and didn’t work. Then you can ensure that you don’t repeat the same errors next time.  

Find baby acting auditions in Melbourne

Whether it’s your child’s first audition, or they’re a seasoned professional, there are always tips and tricks for making every audition run smoother. If you follow these tips, you’re sure to have a stress-free, more enjoyable casting experience for everyone involved. At Casting Kids, we know how to get the best out of your baby. We create a fun, inclusive environment for child actors and parents alike. Contact us today to find out more about our representation services, or just to learn more about tips and tricks for your baby’s audition!

Looking for Baby Acting Auditions in Melbourne?

babies modelling

Many parents love the idea of their little ones doing some acting or modelling. If children have that certain flair, it can be great for their confidence and future. Also, the extra money doesn’t hurt! But what about baby acting auditions? Do you wonder if it’s too soon, or what age is appropriate to get children started?

Well, at Casting Kids we represent children up to age 16 – that includes babies! Many clients have a need for babies to appear in commercials, television shows and also print advertising. Here’s a few things you should know about baby acting auditions in Melbourne.

Where to find baby acting auditions in Melbourne

One of the easiest ways to find auditions is to link up with a reputable casting agency. Clients looking for baby actors will usually go to a casting agent they trust. This is because it’s too time consuming for them to audition the hundred that would apply from a social media ad.

Casting agencies register and represent your child, so if a client calls seeking baby actors, the agent will refer all suitable babies on their books. It streamlines the process for everyone, plus, as a parent, you have the support of knowing a casting agent has your back.

Meeting with a casting agency

Quality casting agencies will want to meet with you and your baby before signing up. This is because, unfortunately, not all babies and children have the right temperament for acting. If you book a meeting with a casting agent, the process should be relaxed and fun. However, you should prepare yourself for some honest feedback.

Depending on the fee structure, most reputable agencies will only sign the babies and children who they think they can genuinely find work for. They will charge a registration and annual fee which covers your representation for a year. As such, a good agency won’t take your money if they don’t think they can find work for your child.

Unfortunately, not everybody is suited for acting, and obviously babies in particular need to have the right temperament. So if a casting agent says no, it’s because they’re being honest and don’t want to take your registration fees for no reason.

Choose a child acting agency carefully

As we touched on, reputable casting agencies work a certain way. Other not so reputable ones will promise the world and charge you registration fees even if they never refer you for baby acting auditions in Melbourne.

All casting agencies should ant to meet you and your child first. If they allow you to sign up with just a picture and registration payment, chances are they’re not a good agency for you.

Find baby acting auditions in Melbourne today

We represent babies and children up to the age of 16. We offer professionalism to our actors and models, and also to our clients. That’s why so many clients love working with Casting Kids. If you’d like to find out more about baby acting auditions in Melbourne, contact us today at Casting Kids.