Category Archives: Acting

Are There Many Extra Castings in Melbourne?

extra castings melbourne

A huge number of kids love being the centre of attention. Some dress up in old clothes and put on a show in the backyard. Some sing into a hairbrush in the bathroom mirror. You can harness a dramatic flair from an early age.

Extra work on TV or film provides a great creative outlet for kids, whilst also offering a stepping stone into acting if this is the direction your child wants to head. But where do you start to find this kind of work and is there much available out there? To make things a little easier, here are a few pointers to get you on the right track.

Make sure your kids have a true interest

The entertainment industry can be intimidating to newcomers. It’s a large step from messing around in your bedroom to stepping in front of strangers and performing, however it’s a great way for kids to develop strong social and communication skills.

Kids need to understand that what they are seeing on TV is the culmination of many hours of hard work and practice. If your child has expressed interest, or has shown a talent for performance, having a realistic conversation with them is a good idea before making any big decisions.

A useful step might be to try out some extra work to see if the on-screen process is something your child finds interesting and rewarding.

Use a reputable Melbourne agency

Knowing where to find extra work for kids can be difficult and confusing with limited experience in the industry. This is where engaging the services of a good child talent agency is extremely helpful. A good agency will have the knowledge and know-how to connect your child with opportunities to work as an extra.

Kids’ extra castings in Melbourne are quite common, in particular when production is based in a school. Likewise, in a public setting where kids or teens are required to provide background support. With a good talent agency on your team, you can be confident that your child is put forward for all legitimate extra castings that may arise.

Make the most of extra castings in Melbourne

Prepare, listen and be aware. Your child is more likely to be successful if they’re ready to work, take direction easily and conduct themselves professionally. Whilst the role of an extra is not as demanding as an actor, it still requires focus and attention. Casting directors may stipulate certain conditions for extras, such as a specific outfit or hairstyle. For a better chance of success, follow all these requirements.

Looking for extra castings in Melbourne?

Established over a decade ago, Casting Kids is a highly respected children’s talent agency based in Melbourne. We represent children of all abilities, from 6 months to 16 years. We’re dedicated to finding the right role for our clients. Contact us today to find out more or to register your child with Casting Kids.

The Importance of Diversity when Casting for Kids

casting for kids

When casting for kids, how much do you think about diversity and inclusion? Or do you already have a set idea in your mind of how children should look in your advertising? As a business leader, your advertising speaks to millions of Australians, and all of those people have a right to be represented.

A representation of all Australians

Businesses have a great opportunity to lead the way when it comes to diversity and inclusion. Because marketing and advertising are so prevalent in our society, people look up to big companies. So much so, that really successful ad campaigns become part of our culture and live on for years after they air. So, advertising is a great chance to show that your brand represents all Australians.

We have a rich multicultural lifestyle in Australia. We’ve also made great strides in how we view disabilities. As such, brands need to show that they recognise all people as equal. When you’re casting for kids, think about how you can accurately reflect all of Australian society. It’s

Promote yourself as a caring brand when casting for kids

One of the other reasons to actively seek out diversity in your advertising campaigns is a little more self-serving. The fact is, businesses in today’s world perform better when they adopt a genuine social conscience. Whether it’s promoting charities, implementing environmentally friendly practices, or representing everyone in their ad campaigns.

Customers want to connect with a brand, and in most cases, they do this a lot more easily if they can see a brand stands for something. By casting for kids and including a diverse representation of children in your marketing material, you show yourself to be a caring, inclusive brand.

Everybody has different abilities

It’s no secret that everywhere you go in life, people have different traits that make them amazing. Some are funny, some are generous, some are technically brilliant. The same applies in the acting and modelling world. Kids of all different races, religions, physical ability and appearance have something to offer.

When we decide whether to not to represent a child, it’s based on a number of things. However, we never turn away someone for being differently abled. What we truly look for is that spark, that special something that makes kids great for acting or modelling. It might be temperament, a child’s laugh, or just a certain charisma, but everybody brings something unique to the table.

The best casting for kids is right here

At Casting Kids, we’ve got a reputation for being professional and kind. While we don’t represent every child, we certainly do meet with all aspiring actors and models. We promote diversity and inclusion, representing children of all abilities. For transparent, honest representation that can really help your child’s career, you’ve come to the right place.

If you’d like to find out more about casting for kids, auditions, or how we can help make your advertising campaigns a success, contact us today at Casting Kids.

How Important is Finding the Right Child Agency?

child agency

Thinking about getting your child involved in acting or modelling? It’s a great way to develop social skills, performance skills and make a little extra money. However, it can be a difficult field to break into if you don’t have the right support. That’s why it’s crucial to find the right child agency to help you along the way.  Here’s a few reasons it’s so important to get professional representation.

A child agency to guide you

It’s not easy knowing where to start for child acting and modelling. As a parent, if you’ve never had any exposure to the entertainment industry yourself, it’s extremely confusing. There are requirements for auditions, methods for audition prep, then the actual work. You’re not expected to know how everything works, and that’s why it’s great to have a good child agency on your side.

If you ever need advice, assistance or guidance through the process of auditioning and working, your agency is there to help.

More job opportunities

Naturally, if you’re paying a registration fee to have your child signed to an agency, you want a return. Quite simply, the more chances your child has to audition, the more likely they’ll get work. With a great child agency on your side, you should get plenty of audition opportunities. That hopefully leads to more paying jobs, and a good return on your registration fees.

There are no guarantees, of course, but being with a good child agency is about peace of mind. If you’re confident the agency actively refers your child’s profile to directors, you feel a lot better. More jobs mean more money, but it also means more experience. The more opportunities we can give children to build their skills, the better we feel!

Safety and reputable clients

When attending auditions and also jobs, safety is paramount. Children are extremely vulnerable, and as parents we understand that you want them protected at all times. This is just another reason to choose a child agency with reputable clients on their books.

The alternative is looking for casting calls online, and frankly, you never know what you’re going to get. You could be walking into an extremely unprofessional environment, but a great child agency helps you avoid that. Look for agencies with a long list of good clients, because this is a good indication that your child will always be walking into a professional environment when auditioning and working.

Looking for the best child agency in Melbourne?

There are so many advantages to finding the right child agency to support your child’s career. It’s not about the cheapest, or even the most auditions. It’s about developing a relationship with a reputable agency that puts children first. We’ve represented children in acting and modelling pursuits for over 16 years, and we’re a fully inclusive agency. We actively promote diversity, and have an impressive list of clients. Contact us at any time if you have questions, or to find out more about what we do here at Casting Kids.

What do Casting Directors Look for in Auditions?

child acting auditions Melbourne

Have you thought about helping your child get into the world of acting? It’s a lot of fun, great for self-confidence and gives kids an opportunity to shine. But for parents, it can also be a tricky industry to navigate. Even if you’ve got a great kid’s talent agency on your side, it’s hard to know what to expect from auditions.

Casting directors all have different needs depending on the individual job. However, there are a few common things that nearly all casting directors look for when holding auditions. Here’s some great advice to help your kids prepare for auditions.

Personality is everything

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a modelling shoot, a TV shoe or a TV commercial. Casting directors love kids with personality. In most cases, especially in advertising, directors are looking for smiling, happy kids to be in commercials. Whatever product they’re selling, they want to create excitement and joy around it. So, if your child has a happy demeanour and loves performing, they should do well at auditions.

Remembering lines

Depending on the role, casting directors might like to hear some dialogue from kids in auditions. If lines are expected, you’ll be given these beforehand so you can help your child prepare. This can add extra stress to the process, so it’s a great idea to go over the lines with your child well before the audition. Kids actually have a great memory for things like this, so you shouldn’t worry too much. Have you ever read storybooks to a child, only to find they can recite most of the book to you before they can read? It’s often the same if they practice their lines enough!

The right temperament

Temperament is also very important when it comes to auditions. Casting directors understand that small children get distracted or struggle in very rigid environments. So, they certainly do make an effort to create a fun audition environment. But at the end of the day, it’s a business, and they need children who can take direction.

All children get distracted, but if you can help your child to focus and listen clearly to instructions, it could give them the advantage in an audition scenario. Directors love working with children who can get the job done with minimal fuss. So, if your child is prone to temper tantrums at the drop of a hat, they may not be a perfect fit for the acting world!

Let us help find the best auditions for your child

At Casting Kids, we’ve got a reputation for being professional and kind. We promote diversity and inclusion, representing children of all abilities. We’re also extremely dedicated to finding work for all of our kids, so you can be assured that we’re putting your child’s name forward to casting directors. We love helping out kids reach auditions and succeed! If you’d like to find out more about the best kids talent agency Melbourne has to offer, contact us today at Casting Kids.

A Child Agency Melbourne Parents Can Trust

child agency melbourne

Is your child interested in acting or modelling but you don’t know where to start? That’s perfectly normal! Even seasoned professionals struggle to find their way through the entertainment industry. So, that’s where we come in. Casting Kids is a professional child agency in Melbourne, helping children and parents to navigate a new industry.

Here’s what sets us apart from the crowd.

Representing children of all ages

We represent kids of all ages, starting at 6 months old, right through to 16 years. Our clients are always looking for a variety of ages, from babies to infants to toddlers and also teens. We don’t focus on one specific age group, because we believe every child needs quality representation, regardless of age.

A strong client base

We’ve got an impressive client base who contact us regularly for referrals. We maintain this because we respond our clients’ requests and meet their needs. It’s also why we offer a great selection of jobs. Everything from catalogue modelling through to TV show appearances, we’ve got it all. So, if its variety you’re after, we can deliver.

Honest, transparent communication

Our communications with you and your child are always honest and transparent. Right from our first meeting, we’ll be upfront with you about opportunities. In fact, we don’t even sign everybody who walks through the door. So, if we genuinely don’t think we can help your child find work, we won’t take your money.

That’s why we work on an annual registration basis. Agencies who work on percentage commissions have no incentive to represent their entire roster of children. By charging annual registration fees, we also commit to working hard for every child on our books.

A child agency in Melbourne who cares

We don’t just refer kids to auditions and sit around waiting. We also show genuine care for our kids and parents. If you’ve got questions or concerns at any time, we’re always here for you. We’re even happy to provide advice and tips on how to get through auditions.

We represent children of all abilities

We’re passionate about promoting diversity and inclusion in the entertainment industry. That’s why we won’t discriminate on any basis. We represent kids of all abilities, including Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome and limb differences. If a child is passionate about acting or modelling and has the right personality traits, we’d love to work with them!

Looking for the best child agency in Melbourne?

Here at Casting Kids, we take our job seriously. It’s not just about keeping our clients happy. Its also not just about finding jobs for our kids. It’s both of those things, but it’s also about showing genuine care and compassion in everything we do. The acting and modelling world can be difficult to navigate, whether you’re an experienced actor or just starting out. So, we’re here to help guide you through the process.

We love what we do, and we’d love for you and your family to be a part of it! To find out how we can help kickstart your child’s acting and modelling career, contact us today.

Advice to Succeed in Auditions for Kids

acting auditions melbourne

So, you’ve signed up with a casting agency and your child is excited about the prospect of doing some acting or modelling. But how about the next step? The audition process can be daunting, especially for first-timers. So, how do you get your child ready to smash that audition out of the park and charm the socks off the director? Here’s some useful tips!

Prepare, prepare, prepare

Preparation is the key to most things in life. It’s especially true for auditions for kids! Firstly, it’s important to understand the role. This is more particular for acting, but even modelling, you’d want to know what kind of photo shoots are occurring. For acting, if it’s a particular role your child is going for, help them understand that role.

You can talk it through with them and even help them practice. Let them have some fun with the character, and if there’s lines, you definitely want to help them practice those. It just makes it so much easier when the audition comes around.

Be yourself

Although being in character is important, in most auditions for kids, the director is looking for personality. So, tell your kids it’s ok to be themselves. Let their personality shine through during the audition, and you never what it might lead to. Even if the director doesn’t think your child is right for one role, they may have something else that’s perfect for them.

Choosing the right age roles to audition for

When deciding which auditions to attend, pay attention to the age range. Some casting calls may require a certain age-range, and that’s fine. But others may simply state they need someone to play a 12-year-old female character, for example. If your daughter is 14 or 15 but they look young, there’s no reason not to audition. It’s very common for actors to play younger roles, and directors also love it. They get a slightly more mature actor, potentially a more skilled actor, without compromising the actual role itself.

Remember to keep auditions for kids fun

One of the most important things you can do to help your child prepare is to keep it fun. Auditions for kids are usually a pretty fun experience, and you don’t want them getting too nervous. Keep it light, don’t put pressure on them, and treat it as the fun experience it should be.

Clothing advice for auditions

Clothing is important when attending auditions for kids. Some auditions might ask for a specific style of clothing, while others are open to interpretation. Even if a clothing requirement isn’t specified, it doesn’t hurt to try and match what you think the character would look like. We don’t recommend you go overboard buying clothes for every audition, but if your child is going for a particular role, it certainly doesn’t hurt to look the part.

The best auditions for kids

At Casting Kids, we represent children from 6 months to 16 years. If your child is interested in acting or modelling, we’d love to hear from you. With a strong client base and regular opportunities, we know we can represent your child the right way. find out more, contact us today.

The Advantages of Using Kids Talent Agencies

kids talent agencies

Do you have a child interested in acting or modelling? Many kids are natural born performers, and as parents we’ve got an opportunity to encourage that. That may lead you to consider getting your child into the entertainment industry. It’s a great platform for a future career, but it’s also great for confidence and growing their life skills.

Not all kid’s talent agencies are created equal, but here at Casting Kids we represent children from 6 months to 16 years old. So, here’s exactly why we think you can get an advantage from using kid’s talent agencies.

Professional representation

Firstly, you get professional representation. Often that includes photoshoots which provide a great marketing tool. It also includes access to a networking website, where your child’s bio can be kept and easily distributed to clients who are looking for talent. But most of all, there’s someone genuinely in your corner.

Navigating the entertainment industry can be tricky, so it’s helpful to have someone you can rely on. Kid’s talent agencies are there to support you, offer advice and give direction. It sure beats doing everything by yourself.

Kids talent agencies can book auditions

The obvious advantage you get from signing with a talent agency is access to auditions. Many bigger clients don’t bother advertising for talent. They have trusted agents they use, meaning your only way into these auditions is often through an agency.

When a client contacts your agent for potential candidates, there’s a chance your child will be referred. If the director or client likes your child’s profile, you could find an audition is just around the corner. The alternative, of course, is scouring the internet and social media for opportunities, which is often a minefield of unprofessional operations.

Advice and help preparing for auditions

In addition to actually booking auditions for your child, a talent agent can help you prepare for the process. Most kid’s talent agencies understand that parents and kids who are new to the industry need a little help. It’s hard to know what to expect from auditions, so having an industry professional to offer advice is invaluable. So, you don’t just get auditions. You also get a better chance at nailing them.

Are all kids talent agencies the same?

Unfortunately, no. Like any industry, there are outliers in the kid’s talent agency field. Some only refer a select few kids to jobs but happily take your annual fees. Some don’t offer the support you need, and others simply don’t have good clients.

The benefit of a reputable agency is access to good jobs, and more certainty around payments, and this isn’t something all agencies offer.

The best kid’s talent agency in Melbourne!

We’ve got a reputation for professional, reliable and honest representation. That’s why the kids and families we represent love working with us. Our clients also know we run a professional agency, giving them the confidence to seek us out for candidates. For kid’s talent agencies you can trust, contact us today at Casting Kids.

Casting For Kids: What’s Involved?

casting for kids

Many parents out there have probably thought about getting their sone or daughter involved in acting and modelling. Children love being the centre of attention, and some show more enthusiasm for performing than others. So, if you’ve got a youngster who has some flair and interest in performing, acting and modelling could be just the thing for them.

But how do you actually get children involved? Of course, they can get into drama at school, or even externally take some classes. But to actually get them into the industry, you’ll need to explore casting for kids. That’s the way they can really get their break, so here’s what you need to know.

Choosing a reputable child talent agency

Firstly, you need to seek out a reputable casting agency. Much like us here at Casting Kids, there are agencies who specialises in representing children and babies. However, as parents you naturally want to make sure your children are protected. That means finding an agency with a good reputation.

When choosing a casting agency, look for ones who show genuine care for their kids, and also ones who have a range of good clients.

Casting for kids: Meeting your casting agent

Once you’ve chosen a casting agent, you’ll attend a first meeting. This is usually so the agent can learn more about your child and your family. You’ll talk about goals, expectations, and the agent will decide whether they’d like to offer registration to your child.

Good casting agencies don’t register every child, because they want to be sure they can find work for the kids. A reputable agent will be honest and tell you if they’re not confident finding work for your child.

Referrals to casting directors

The next step is a referral to casting directors. This is where a company puts the call out to casting agencies, seeking suitable kids to audition. If your child fits a particular job, your agent will let you know that an audition will be coming up.

This referral process usually happens behind the scenes, and you might not be notified of every single referral. This is because ultimately the client has the final say on who they’d like to see. This is another reason you want to have confidence that your agency is truly representing your child well.

Attending auditions

If your child is lucky enough to be selected for an audition, that’s where the preparation begins. You’ll be given information about the client, the job and what’s expected at audition. Casting for kids is a fun process, and it’s important you and your child are relaxed. Generally, directors want to see your child’s personality shine. So, while there’s certainly a need to remember lines and be familiar with characters in some instances, mostly, it’s all about having fun.

Want the best casting for kids in Melbourne?

Here at Casting Kids, we represent children of all abilities from ages 6 months through to 16 years. Contact us at any time if you have questions, or to find out more about what we do here at Casting Kids.

How Much do Casting Agents in Melbourne Charge?

casting agents melbourne

It’s no secret that a lot of children love performing and being the centre of attention. Some of them even want to pursue careers like acting or modelling from an early age. That’s where casting agents in Melbourne come in.

Casting agents are responsible for representing your child to prospective clients looking for actors and models. The jobs could range from modelling products for websites through to appearing in movies and TV series. It’s difficult to get auditions unless you have representation, but there’s always one question people ask.

How much do casting agents charge?

Types of agent fees

Firstly, it’s important to understand there are usually two types of fees. Each have their pros and cons, and we’ll discuss in more detail below.


Annual registration fees are the preferred option, and it’s certainly how we do things here at Casting Kids. It’s usually the more selective casting agents who charge an annual fee. This means, children’s agencies who won’t just sign any child with a promise of jobs.

When charging an annual fee, agencies are more inclined to actively represent every child in the agency. This is because their main source of income is registrations, and in order to keep parents happy, they need to show they’re actually doing something for the kids.

Our annual registration fee for representation is $395.


Another fee structure is by percentage. Meaning, there’s no fee to register, but the agency takes a percentage of any money earned by the child. The reason we don’t like this structure, is there’s very little incentive for agencies to represent all their kids. They get paid no matter who gets the job. While it’s not costing the unsuccessful kids any money, it does give them a false sense of hope that they’re being recommended for jobs when perhaps they’re not.

What to expect from casting agents in Melbourne

As part of an annual registration, you should expect the following things from your children’s agency.

  • 12 months exclusive representation
  • A professional photographic session
  • Comp card
  • Profile on Casting Networks
  • Access to the Casting Kids password protected website

If you’re not getting this sort of value, it’s time to look elsewhere for proper representation!

Always ask questions before signing

Finally, always ask questions before signing any sort of representation contract. Make sure you’re comfortable that the agent is actually going to refer your child for jobs. Ask who their big clients are. You’re entitled to ask as many questions as you like before signing an agreement, so make sure you’re completely happy with what the agency offers.

Want the best casting agents in Melbourne?

There’s a lot to consider when choosing casting agents in Melbourne. Your children are the most important thing in the world, so you always want to ensure their safety and security. That’s why it’s essential to choose a reputable casting agent like Casting Kids.  Contact us today if you want the right agency to represent your child’s acting and modelling career.

What to Expect from a Child Agency in Melbourne

child agency melbourne

Whether it’s the acting bug that’s bitten your child or they want to get involved in modelling, you’ll need the help of a child agency in Melbourne. Agencies are there to help guide your child’s acting and modelling journey. However, not all agencies offer the great service you’d expect, so here are a few things you should know.

This is the bare minimum you should expect from any child agency in Melbourne. Before signing anything, make sure you’re getting value for money.

Meeting you and your child

Before anything else, your child agency should express an interest in getting to know you and your child. Unfortunately, acting and modelling isn’t for everyone, and a good agency will be a little selective in who they choose to register. This is because they don’t want to take your registration money if they don’t genuinely believe they can find work for your child.

Some agencies will gladly take your registration fees and send your child on auditions they’re unlikely to win. Reputable agencies don’t do this.

Professional photos and network listings

Most child agencies provide a professional photo shoot for your child to help get them started. This gives them something great for their portfolio, and also helps the agency represent your child to clients.

They will also provide a profile on relevant network websites. This might be internal for just their own clients, or external for outside marketing. Make sure you’re getting this type of professional service, because it shows good representation practices.

A child agency in Melbourne represents your child

Ultimately, once the formalities are out of the way, a child agency in Melbourne is there to represent your child. This usually means a client contacts the agency with a role, and asks for referrals. The agency scours their database and send suitable children’s profiles to the client. The client then chooses who they’d like to see for an audition, and your agency facilitates this.

Alternatively, many clients trust their agency to just send the right people. In this case, the agency selects the children and arranges auditions for them. It’s all about promoting your child in the most positive light, and giving them the best opportunities to succeed.

Advice for all things casting

In addition to the basic services you’d expect from a child agency in Melbourne, there’s one extra. Advice! Navigating the world of child acting and modelling can be difficult for people outside the industry. So, you should always feel comfortable asking your agency for advice.

Always choose a reputable child agency in Melbourne

Casting Kids has developed a great reputation over a number of years. We represent children from 6 months to 16 years, and have a strong focus on diversity. Casting Kids actively promotes children of all abilities, and clients trust us to deliver well-prepared, fun-loving child actors and models.

We pride ourselves on working hard to represent our kids, just like a god child agency Melbourne should. To find out more, contact us today at Casting Kids. Parents, children and clients all love our personalised, friendly and also professional service.