Category Archives: Acting

How to Beat Nerves Before Auditions in Melbourne

kids auditions melbourne

If your child is getting ready to audition for an acting or modelling job, they’ll likely feel some nerves before the big day. But don’t worry, nerves are common among actors at all levels and it’s important to understand how to deal with them before your audition. The best way to get rid of or manage those nerves? Practice and preparation! These tips below can help you and your child get ready for auditions in Melbourne.

Get plenty of rest the night before

To reduce your chances of being nervous, it’s important to get plenty of sleep. How much sleep is enough? That depends on the individual. But generally speaking, we all need at least six hours in order to function at our best and feel rested.

Getting ready for bed may seem like a chore when you have an audition coming up in the morning, but good pre-sleep habits will help ensure a good night’s rest. Try to eat well the night before, and set aside some time before bed to just relax and take it easy. This will make it easier to fall asleep and get the required rest before the audition.

Practice makes perfect for auditions in Melbourne

One of the best ways to overcome your nerves is to practice. Practice in front of a mirror, practice in front of a friend or family member, or even record yourself and watch it back so that you can see how you did. Note: If your child is younger, they will likely need a lot of help when practising, so be prepared to give them a hand.

Even if there are no lines or scripts to learn, your child can always practice performing in some way. Whether it’s singing, dancing, or simply acting like the character they’re auditioning for, every little bit of practice can help.

Be aware of nerves and practice dealing with them

Firstly, it’s important to understand that nerves are perfectly normal.  Nobody gets cast in any role without feeling some kind of anxiety beforehand. So, don’t let nerves overtake your thinking. Accept them, and find some ways to address them. Younger children might not use tools like meditation or self-talk, but it can definitely help older children and teens.

Deep breathing can be a massive help, and you also shouldn’t put too much importance on the result. Missing one job doesn’t mean you’ll never work. Just be yourself, try to remain calm, and just focus on what you need to do, rather than the fact that people are watching.

Looking for auditions in Melbourne?

We provide children’s acting and modelling auditions to anyone from ages 6 months up to 16. In that time, we’ve learned how to truly help our kids achieve success at auditions in Melbourne. We’ve also built up an impressive list of quality, trusted clients we’re comfortable with. If you’re looking for reputable children’s agents in Melbourne, look no further. We’d love to have a chat about your child’s future in acting or modelling, so please contact us today.

Preparing for Acting Auditions: A Guide

acting auditions

If your child is starting a career in acting, one certainty is the need to attend auditions. Casting directors typically hold auditions for all types of acting jobs, because they need to see how potential actors take direction, how their personality radiates on screen and much more. Assuming your child is enthusiastic about acting, they’re probably no stranger to performing in front of people. But singing and dancing for family and friends is a lot different than attending acting auditions.

This guide will give you some tips on how to help your child prepare for auditions.

Different ages

Before we dive in, it’s important to note that the requirements for acting auditions will naturally vary depending on the child’s age. For babies and toddlers, they naturally won’t be speaking lines or even following any complex directions. However, as children get older, the expectations are a little higher.

For the purpose of the tips below, we’re going to assume your child is above the age of 6, and therefore should be able to take some direction and speak in front of people with confidence.

Getting the look

As much as we’re told that appearance isn’t everything, in the acting world there are certain standards to be met. For child actors it’s not always about facial features or beauty, but rather about having a look that suits a certain role.

Generally, you’ll be given some information before the audition, specifically about the role and what the directors are looking for. All auditions are different, of course, but if you do get some valuable ‘character’ information, it’s best to use it.

For example, if the job calls for a child to be playing on the beach, you’ll want your child to dress in beach-appropriate clothes. It’s more about overall appearance than just physical characteristics.

Learning lines

It really depends on the type of acting role as to whether your child will be required to perform lines. However, even if it’s a commercial with no speaking role, the directors may still want to see your child perform a line or two. This helps them assess suitability and of course, the ability to take direction.

So, if you’re given any lines before the audition, make sure your child practices them. In these cases, it’s best to make the practice a lot of fun. Help your child learn the lines, but also let their own personality shine through. This is what directors are usually looking for.

Practice acting auditions

Like anything in life, preparation for acting auditions is crucial. It may seem like overkill, especially when children are concerned, but why not make the entire process fun by holding a mock audition at home? You can play the role of casting director and your child can perform as instructed. It’s a bit of fun for them, but it also helps with any nerves they might experience when the real audition comes along.

Looking for acting auditions for kids?

If you’d like to discuss the first steps in your child’s acting career, Casting Kids is here to help. We represent children from ages 0 to 16, and we’re a fully inclusive casting agency. Contact us today to find out more.

Types of Auditions for Kids in Melbourne

auditions for kids melbourne

Has your child been bitten by the acting or modelling bug? Kids often love performing, and it’s often a great sign that they would enjoy acting, modelling or the performing arts. However, trying to find auditions for kids in Melbourne can be difficult if you don’t know what you’re looking for.

The best way to access more acting and modelling auditions is with representation. A children’s talent agency will help you and your child navigate the tricky entertainment industry. But what sorts of auditions are actually available? Let’s look at some common ones.


TV commercials often feature children. However, advertisements today aren’t just for TV. Thanks to the digital revolution, commercials are everywhere online. Roles for kids in advertising campaigns certainly aren’t limited to children’s products. You’ll probably recognise plenty of popular advertising campaigns for cars, holidays, food products and a whole lot more featuring kids in prominent roles.

The type of audition will vary depending on the age requirement. For example, if it were a commercial for nappies, the casting director typically wants a baby. Usually, they’ll just be looking for a certain temperament because obviously babies haven’t quite developed their acting chops yet.

Roles for older kids or teens require a more intense audition process. They may be required to dress a certain way or deliver some lines, so it’s all about preparation.


Children’s modelling takes many different forms. Think about the enormous range of advertising in the modern world, such as magazines, catalogues, newspapers, websites, social media and more. Because there is so much variety in advertising, that means there’s a huge variety of modelling roles for kids.

When attending a modelling audition, children need to show a good temperament. But older kids will also need to take some direction in terms of their movement and posing. This gets easier with experience, but it never hurts to help your child practice before an audition. Best of all, the practice isn’t hard, because most children love playing dress-ups!

TV and movies

Many TV shows and movies require child actors. Whether it’s a significant role or not, these spots are always pretty hotly contested. It’s a great way to get children into the industry and give them more experience.

When you attend these auditions for kids in Melbourne, there will likely be some quite experienced performers there. So, again, preparation is the key. Roles for older children will almost certainly require some speaking too, so you’ll need to help your youngsters practice their lines.

Want more auditions for kids in Melbourne?

If you’re looking for high-quality acting and modelling representation for your child, look no further than Casting Kids. We represent children from 0-16, and we’re a fully inclusive agency. This means we represent children of all abilities. With a packed client list including some of Australia’s biggest retailers, we offer plenty of opportunities for our kids to strut their stuff in front of casting directors. Whether it’s acting or modelling, we’re here to support your child’s career. Contact us today to find out more.

Casting for Teens – How to Prepare

teenage modelling agencies melbourne casting for teens

If your child has been involved in acting or modelling for a while, you’ll know what to expect. You’ve been through auditions and casting calls, and you’re probably a pro at it by now. However, if you have a teenager who is just starting to show an interest in this line of work, you’ll need a little advice to get you going. Even if your child has been involved in acting, performing or modelling before, but they’ve now reached their teenage years, the casting for teens is a little different.

When children are much younger, there’s less importance placed on appearance and the ability to learn lines. The roles are usually smaller, and most directors also know that toddlers and younger children won’t be professional actors. But for teens, a little more is expected. Let’s take a look at how casting changes as your child grows.

A certain look

The entertainment industry has grown significantly in recent years when it comes to diversity. Casting Kids has always represented children with different abilities, but the industry as a whole is still evolving. Despite this evolution, many casting directors have a particular ‘look’ in mind if they’re running a photo shoot or a commercial.

This isn’t even necessarily about race, weight, or anything like that. They just have a certain look in mind. They might want a scruffy teenager, for example. Or they might want an athletic teenager. It just depends on the role. But the good thing is, you should be able to find out what look the director wants, and help your teen to dress and groom themselves appropriately.

Casting for teens – learning lines

As a young child, learning lines isn’t necessarily a part of the casting process. In some cases, your child might have one line to say, but that’s about it. Casting for teens is a little different because they usually have more prominent speaking roles. This is more common for commercials and TV shows, so when getting ready for an audition, you might need to help your child learn some lines to impress the director.

Taking direction

Finally, whether it’s during a casting audition or actually on set, being able to take direction is a must. Your teenager needs to listen to what the director is saying, and respond accordingly. This is a bit different than the younger age groups, where it’s commonly accepted that small children aren’t great at taking direction. So, make sure your teenager is ready to respond when a casting director asks them to act or perform a certain way.

Need help with casting for teens?

Here at Casting Kids, we represent children up to the age of 16, and we have plenty of opportunities for keen, talented teens. With an impressive client list, we can do a lot to help your child or teen kickstart their career. Whether it’s acting or modelling, Casting Kids gives your child the best chance for success. If you’d like to find out why so many people choose Casting Kids, contact us today. We’d love to hear from you!

How Do Children’s Agents Find Work for Your Child?

children's agents

If you’ve got a youngster who loves performing, then you’ve probably considered getting them an agent. This makes sense because the entertainment industry can be difficult to navigate if you’ve never been involved before. You’ll have more success finding acting and modelling jobs with the help of children’s agents. But how exactly does an agent help your child? Let’s look further into what you should know before hiring an agent.

How much does an agent cost?

Before we get too far into things, you should consider the cost of an agent. However, a low cost (or even no cost) is not always the best way to go. Most children’s agents charge some kind of fee. For example, at Casting Kids, we charge a $450 annual registration fee. This covers professional photography, a profile on Casting Networks and of course, 12 months of representation from your agent.

We choose to operate with an annual fee because it motivates us to work hard for ALL of our kids, not just the ones who get the most work. Some agencies might charge no upfront fees but take a percentage of earnings. This works in some cases, but it does mean the agent is likely to invest more time into the most successful children.

How do children’s agents find work?

Typically, the most common way for you to find work through an agent is by attending auditions. Your agent will let you know that there’s an audition coming up, and they can refer your child if they’re deemed suitable. This is the usual way that people find work through an agent.

In terms of where these auditions come from, it’s usually through regular clients. So, your children’s agency will have a list of regular clients they work with. Those clients contact the agent to advise they’re shooting a commercial or running auditions for a TV show (or whatever the job might be). It’s then up to the agent to determine which children on their roster are suited to attend an audition.

For this reason, you’ll want to choose an agent with a strong client list. Here at Casting Kids, our clients include quality brands and companies such as Bonds, Target, Myer, Cotton On, Village Cinemas, Country Road and many, many more. This is how we provide regular opportunities for the children we represent.

Do children’s agents guarantee work?

Unfortunately, there is never a guarantee of work. It’s our commitment to represent all children fairly and equally. But the final call on acting and modelling jobs is made by the client. More specifically, the casting director who runs the auditions. So, while we provide plenty of audition opportunities, we can’t guarantee your child will be successful.

Looking for an agency to help your child’s career?

Here at Casting Kids, we represent children from ages 0-16, and we’re a fully inclusive agency. That means representing children of all abilities and promoting diversity within the entertainment industry. We treat all of our children and their families with honesty and respect. If you’re ready to start your child’s acting or modelling journey, contact us today.

How Safe is an Acting Job for Kids?

acting job for kids

As parents, it’s natural to have concerns for the safety of your child in anything they do. Whether it’s sporting events, school camps or other extracurricular activities, you want to know that they’re protected at all times. An acting job for kids is no different. Even though it is a form of paid employment, parents still want absolute certainty that their children are in a safe environment.

So, how safe is the acting world for young people?

Working with children checks

Perhaps the most common way to protect the safety of children is through working with children checks. These are background checks ensuring that anybody working with a child in Australia is considered responsible and safe. The laws vary across Australia, but this is a great way for parents to gain some peace of mind.

You’re well within your rights to ask about an employer’s protocols around this. For example, does the company require that all people working on the acting or modelling shoot hold a working with children check? If not, you may not wish to proceed with the job.

Employment laws

Every state and territory has its own laws regarding the employment of children in general. Every industry must follow these laws. They do serve the purpose of ensuring children aren’t financially exploited.

All companies hiring children for acting or modelling roles are subject to these laws, and there may be certain exemptions that apply. This is because usually, children under a certain age aren’t permitted to hold employment at all.

Protecting against indecency

You must be involved in your child’s acting as a parent. Again, state and territory laws are slightly different when it comes to protecting children from indecent or sexualised depictions. But overall, if you’re uncomfortable with the direction of a television ad, TV show or modelling shoot, you always have the right to remove your child. If you’re not comfortable with the situation, it’s best to get out straight away.

The child’s role isn’t everything here. It’s also the other activity on set. Let’s say you’re filming a movie that includes child actors. If the movie includes adult scenes, children must be kept away.

Use a reputable child talent agency

The best protection against your children coming to harm is always yourself. You’re in charge of making the right decisions for them. That’s why many parents choose to use reputable talent agencies instead of going it alone. When you apply for acting or modelling jobs from unverified sources, you never know what the environment will be like.

Use a reputable agency like Casting Kids. You’ll feel safe that all auditions and jobs are through legitimate clients. If you’d like to know about how Casting Kids can find you the best acting job for kids, contact us today!

Make Casting Kids Your Kids Talent Agency in Melbourne

kids talent agency melbourne

Is your child showing an interest in performing arts? While they’re learning and training in their preferred disciplines, whether it be acting, modelling, singing or something else, why not get them started with an entertainment career? The best way to start is by finding a reputable kids talent agency in Melbourne. Here at Casting Kids, we think we’re just that agency!

Why choose Casting Kids?

There are options out there when it comes to choosing a kids talent agency in Melbourne. So, why would you choose Casting Kids? We think we’ve got a pretty impressive service that you should know about. Here are just some of the benefits of joining Casting Kids.

Established client list

One of the most common questions we get asked is, ‘”Can you guarantee my child will find acting work?”. Unfortunately, that’s not a guarantee anybody can give because casting directors have the final say in who they hire. However, we do provide the best representation to give you opportunities with an impressive list of clients.

Our client list has grown over the years, including companies such as Target, K-Mart, Myer, Country Road, Bonds, Holden, Coles, Bupa, Nissan and so many more. With such a great range of clients all coming to Casting Kids for referrals, you can guarantee we’ll do everything we can to give your child an opportunity.

Personal, professional representation

When you join Casting Kids, you become part of the family. Bot children and parents are supported through the process of auditioning and working in the entertainment industry. We only accept registrations from children we truly believe we can find work for. So, despite being fully inclusive and promoting diversity, we are still selective based on acting and performing ability.

This selective approach means we’re able to provide proper, professional representation for all of our kids. We meet all of our kids and their families, discuss your needs and goals, and help you achieve them. It’s a personal, professional service you don’t get just everywhere. At Casting Kids, you’re so much more than a number.

Fully inclusive kids talent agency in Melbourne

We’re committed to promoting diversity and inclusivity in the entertainment industry. As mentioned, we don’t just register every child we meet. However, we certainly don’t discriminate on the basis of gender, race, religion or disabilities. Our selection process is purely based on whether we have a good chance of finding work for your child.

We’ve worked with many children with all different abilities, such as Down Syndrome, limb differences, cerebral palsy and more. As a boutique agency, we only accept your registration fees if we think we can deliver value, but nobody will ever suffer discrimination from our team.

Contact your favourite kids talent agency in Melbourne

Casting Kids is one of the best kids talent agencies in Melbourne, with over 15 years of industry experience. Representing babies and children up to age 16, we’re the perfect choice to give your child’s career the kickstart it needs. We put our kids and families first, meaning you’ve always got the support you need while navigating the industry. Contact us today and find out how we can help.

Is Casting For Teens Different Than Casting for Younger Kids?

teenage modelling agencies melbourne casting for teens

If you’ve got a teen who is interested in acting or modelling, they will need to get used to casting. Casting for teens is the process of holding auditions to determine who is best suited to a role. For younger kids and babies, auditions aren’t too difficult. But when children become teenagers, the expectations are a bit higher.

We expect a different level of maturity and behaviour from teens in everyday life, and casting directors expect more too. Here are some of the big differences between casting for teens and casting for younger children.

Learning lines

In the case of casting for teens in acting roles, one of the biggest differences is that casting directors expect a little more. That usually surfaces in the form of learning lines. Prior to an audition, teen actors might be given part of a script to learn, because they’ll need to perform it at the audition.

This expectation doesn’t really exist for babies and younger kids, because their roles often don’t have lines. Not all teen roles have lines either, however it is more common. So, if you’ve got a teen who is following their acting dreams, they’ll need to be good at practising and memorising lines

Casting for teens clothing

While appearance isn’t everything, many casting directors indeed want a certain look. Teens who audition for roles should have a good understanding of the character. It could be for a commercial on the beach, in which case, casual beach clothing is expected. The role may call for the teen to wear a suit, so your teen should dress accordingly for the audition.

As a parent, you’re not dressing your teen anymore. However, it pays to be aware of these requirements so you can guide them through the audition process.

Ability to take direction

When younger children attend auditions, they don’t need to take a lot of direction. That’s because casting directors are more just looking for a certain personality, temperament or look. However, as children get older, there’s an expectation they can take direction.

For example, your teen may have learned some lines before the audition. They perform those lines, but the director wants to see a little more. They may ask the actor to perform in a certain way, and they expect that a teen actor can handle that.

It could be showing different emotions, reading different lines or even auditioning for an entirely different role. It pays to be ready for anything when auditioning.

Need help finding casting for teens?

Casting Kids has become known as one of the most respected child modelling and acting agencies. That’s because we have genuine care for our kids, and we also have an impressive list of clients. This means more audition opportunities for your child, and a better chance of success. We’re fully inclusive, and will represent any child from 0-16 regardless of abilities. To find out more about how we can help your child achieve their dreams, contact our friendly team today.

How Much Do Children’s Agents Cost?

children's agents

When you’re looking for children’s agents to represent your young one, one of the most common questions is about the cost. There are usually two different fee types that you’ll find when it comes to agents. Both have their positives and negatives, but let’s take a closer look and see how they work. Here are the different costs for hiring children’s agents.


One way that agents organise their fee structure is with a commission. This means that there are no costs associated with joining the children’s agency. However, if your child secures work, you’d be required to pay a percentage to the agent.

This is quite a common fee structure, and the amount can range from 10% – 20% depending on the agent. In some ways, this is a fair arrangement because as a parent, you only pay for an agent’s services if your child earns income.

On the downside, it means an agency can essentially represent hundreds and hundreds of kids, but only put effort into finding work for the children they think are most likely to earn money.

Children’s agents registration fees

Another way to structure fees is by charging a registration fee. Here at Casting Kids, we prefer this option. We set a standard registration fee of $395 per year. This helps to pay for professional photo shoots, a profile on professional networks and 12 months of representation.

We prefer this because it still gives us a level of control over who we represent. Not everybody can register, and we only take children on if we think we can really find work for them. This way, we work equally as hard for all of our kids. If parents don’t see any results, they won’t register for another year.

So, agencies that charge a registration fee have to work hard for their clients, otherwise, they won’t generate an income.

Which is best?

It really comes down to personal preference. Each system has its pros and cons. We’ve outlined why we prefer a registration fee structure. We feel that it’s better for parents and children, while also keeping us motivated to put all of our children forward for appropriate jobs. It also ensures there are equal funds dedicated to things like photoshoots.

Ultimately, it’s a parent’s choice and in the end, it probably isn’t even the biggest concern. More important is feeling that you’re well represented and that you have a good rapport with the agent. You need to feel confident that they have the relevant industry connections and clients that you’d want your child working for.

While some may argue against registration fees, you generally get what you pay for when something is free.

Looking for the best children’s agents in Melbourne?

If you want high-quality representations from children’s agents who really care about your child’s future, look no further. Casting Kids has been representing children of all ages from 0-16 for many years now. We’ve built an impressive list of clients and we’ve had great success in finding regular work for our dedicated, hard-working kids. To find out more, contact us at Casting Kids today.

4 Reasons to Join a Child Agency in Melbourne

child agency melbourne

Have you considered getting your child into acting or modelling? It can be a pretty lonely road without the right support. That’s why so many people register with a child agency in Melbourne for a better chance of success.

Access to quality jobs

Of course, the first reason you might consider joining a child agency in Melbourne is to find work. There are plenty of acting and modelling jobs out there for kids, but without representation you may not find out about them. Major clients generally have preferred agencies they use for casting calls. They don’t advertise online because applications and auditions would be a nightmare to manage. So, they contact agencies like Casting Kids and ask for referrals.

If you join a reputable child agency with good clients, you’ll get access to more auditions. And while it’s always up to you and your child to advance their career in whatever way you choose, an agency makes it easier. You won’t need to spend hours scouring online sources looking for work, because your agency should provide regular opportunities to audition.

Safe working environments

The other point about working with an agency is you end up with better jobs. We’re not just talking about finances either. When trying to find jobs online or elsewhere, your child might end up working on non-professional sets, with some productions even asking for free labour in return for exposure.

These environments aren’t great, and some can be downright unsafe. The clients we work with at Casting Kids, for example, are professional and conduct themselves as such. If your child wins a role, you can reasonably expect they’ll be working in a professional, safe environment.

Ongoing support from a child agency in Melbourne

When you join a child agency in Melbourne you don’t just get representation. You also get other things such as access to professional networks, profiles on industry websites, professional photos and more. You can always contact your agency if you have questions or concerns. When you try to go it alone, you don’t get these sorts of advantages.


The support you get from a child agency usually extends to offering plenty of advice along the way. For example, if your child is being sent to lots of auditions but isn’t winning jobs, you may be wondering why. You can contact your agency and ask for some advice, such as how to prepare better for auditions.

Having support like this can be a great comfort, especially if you and your family are completely new to the industry.

Looking for the best child agency in Melbourne?

Casting Kids loves meeting new kids and families! We’ve been in the business for over 16 years. In that time we’ve developed a huge client list, giving us access to plenty of acting and modelling jobs for kids. Plus, we’re a fully inclusive agency, representing children of all abilities. If you’d like to join a child agency in Melbourne to help your little ones make their way in the entertainment industry, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us today and we’d be happy to discuss your goals further!