Author Archives: Casting Kids

Looking for Baby Acting Auditions in Melbourne?

babies modelling

Many parents love the idea of their little ones doing some acting or modelling. If children have that certain flair, it can be great for their confidence and future. Also, the extra money doesn’t hurt! But what about baby acting auditions? Do you wonder if it’s too soon, or what age is appropriate to get children started?

Well, at Casting Kids we represent children up to age 16 – that includes babies! Many clients have a need for babies to appear in commercials, television shows and also print advertising. Here’s a few things you should know about baby acting auditions in Melbourne.

Where to find baby acting auditions in Melbourne

One of the easiest ways to find auditions is to link up with a reputable casting agency. Clients looking for baby actors will usually go to a casting agent they trust. This is because it’s too time consuming for them to audition the hundred that would apply from a social media ad.

Casting agencies register and represent your child, so if a client calls seeking baby actors, the agent will refer all suitable babies on their books. It streamlines the process for everyone, plus, as a parent, you have the support of knowing a casting agent has your back.

Meeting with a casting agency

Quality casting agencies will want to meet with you and your baby before signing up. This is because, unfortunately, not all babies and children have the right temperament for acting. If you book a meeting with a casting agent, the process should be relaxed and fun. However, you should prepare yourself for some honest feedback.

Depending on the fee structure, most reputable agencies will only sign the babies and children who they think they can genuinely find work for. They will charge a registration and annual fee which covers your representation for a year. As such, a good agency won’t take your money if they don’t think they can find work for your child.

Unfortunately, not everybody is suited for acting, and obviously babies in particular need to have the right temperament. So if a casting agent says no, it’s because they’re being honest and don’t want to take your registration fees for no reason.

Choose a child acting agency carefully

As we touched on, reputable casting agencies work a certain way. Other not so reputable ones will promise the world and charge you registration fees even if they never refer you for baby acting auditions in Melbourne.

All casting agencies should ant to meet you and your child first. If they allow you to sign up with just a picture and registration payment, chances are they’re not a good agency for you.

Find baby acting auditions in Melbourne today

We represent babies and children up to the age of 16. We offer professionalism to our actors and models, and also to our clients. That’s why so many clients love working with Casting Kids. If you’d like to find out more about baby acting auditions in Melbourne, contact us today at Casting Kids.

What Do Child Modelling Agencies in Melbourne Do?

child modelling agencies melbourne

If your child is showing an interesting in modelling, you’re probably wondering if you need a child modelling agency. Well, the simple answer is ‘yes’. Most bigger clients such as department stores and popular retailers seek referrals from a modelling agency. This is easier for them, because they know they’re only auditioning children who have been pre-screened and deemed suitable.

So, what exactly do child modelling agencies in Melbourne do?

Meeting and Getting to Know Your Child

One of the most important things a modelling agency should do is get to know your child. It’s not all about a photograph, and it’s also not about what they’ve done before. A good casting agency will really get to know your child’s personality, their likes, dislikes, and also how they work in a modelling setting.

If you apply to a child modelling agency and they’re not really interested in you and your family, it’s time to look elsewhere. Likewise, if they only want a picture and short bio, they can’t really serve your child properly.

Referring Your Child for Modelling Work

Major clients will send requests through to trusted casting agencies whenever they have a need for child models. It’s much easier than advertising themselves, because they simply don’t have the time. For example, a sporting goods store may need some child models for an upcoming catalogue. It’s the modelling agency’s job to check their roster of registered models and refer those who would be best suited. If your child fits the client’s requirements, they should be referred for an opportunity.

Helping You Through the Casting Process

After being referred for a modelling job, the child modelling agency in Melbourne will be notified who the client wants to see. Your child may be asked to attend casting sessions. This is so the client can meet your child and also see how they work in front of the camera. It’s essentially an audition, and an opportunity for your child to strut their stuff!

Especially if you and your child are new to modelling, your casting agency should help you through the process. They may provide you with some tips and suggestions of what to wear, and also talk you through the casting session. You’ll also receive important details such as time, date, location and client contact.

What are the costs of joining a child modelling agency in Melbourne?

The costs of joining an agency will vary. Reputable agencies will charge an annual fee, which includes everything. This may include photo sessions, a profile on their website and also 12 months of representation.

If agencies are charging separate fees for referrals or other normal casting requirements, they are likely not the right agency for you.

The best child modelling agency in Melbourne is right here!

For the best child modelling agencies Melbourne has to offer, contact us today at Casting Kids. Parents, children and clients all love our personalised, friendly and also professional service.

Being Part of a Kids Movie Cast Melbourne – Things You Need to Know

extra castings melbourne

Has your child landed a role in a movie? Being part of a kids movie cast in Melbourne is a great stepping stone for all aspiring actors. However, as parents it can be a little daunting, especially if it’s the first time your youngster has been part of a production.

Most kids movie productions are aware there will be first-timers on set, and they also know how to run such productions. But you still want to make a great impression and see your kids have fun. So, here’s some things you should know to get the best out of your kids movie experience.

Keep your excitement under wraps

Many productions will ask actors and parents of actors to sign some form of confidentiality agreement. It’s quite common practice and doesn’t mean anything sinister. Basically, it means you need to keep production details to yourself. While it can certainly be tempting to let the world know your child has a role in a movie, it’s best to keep that excitement under wraps.

This means no posting on social media about the production and certainly no sharing of on-set photos. Most movies like to maintain an element of privacy, because it protects both the production and everyone involved.

Be ready to follow instructions

Most importantly, your child will need to be great at following instructions. Experienced directors certainly know what they’re doing. A kids movie cast in Melbourne requires a little more patience. However, most filming schedules are tight and the crew doesn’t have time to wait around.

We certainly recommend talking to your child before heading to set, because they need to know what to expect. Make sure they understand that when the crew need them to do something, it’s important they listen.

This also goes for the parents, or whoever is responsible for getting the children to the set. Punctuality is paramount, because when the crew is ready to shoot, everyone needs to be ready. There’s a lot of people relying on you, so being courteous and showing up on time is important.

Prepare for down-time in a kids movie cast

A movie with several child actors will normally have things in place to keep kids amused. Children need to be ready at all times, even if they’re only required for a few scenes. This can mean a lot of down-time on set.

Make sure you’re equipped to keep children occupied – it could be with schoolwork, books, toys – whatever works for your little one!

Want to join a kids movie cast in Melbourne?

The best way to get involved in a kid’s movie cast is to sign your child up with a reputable kids casting agency. At Casting Kids, we offer a personalised, friendly and also professional service that you’ll love. We’d also love to get to know your child, so contact us today!

Where Do You Find Auditions for Kids in Melbourne?

kids auditions melbourne

So many parents struggle to find auditions for kids in Melbourne, even if their child is super keen to try acting. Many people also think it’s a really closed-off industry and impossible to get into. Well, here at Casting Kids we can certainly assure you that isn’t the case. In fact, there are plenty of opportunities out there if you know where to look.

Here are some ideas you can try if you’d like to find auditions for kids in Melbourne.

Use social media

Is there anything you can’t find on social media? People use it for so many different things, and finding auditions is no exception. It can take a bit of searching, but you can certainly find auditions and casting calls on social media.

When searching, make sure you follow any reputable companies you find along the way. This way, you can be notified in future and you’ll also be able to get in quickly. Social media is a great way to build your own little network, so use it to your advantage!

Join a reputable casting agency

Being registered with a casting agency is an excellent way to get exclusive access to auditions. Casting agencies work on your child’s behalf, putting them forward for auditions they think are suitable. This takes a lot of the hassle out of it from your end.

In addition, you’re also getting a shot at working for well established companies who use these casting agencies. To find out what to look for in a quality, reputable agency, read our blog here. Casting agencies often have a fee, but the rewards are certainly there because you’re not searching all around town for acting jobs. In a sense, they come to you!

Search online for auditions for kids in Melbourne

This one might be a no brainer, but searching online is an obvious way to find auditions. Casting calls are often advertised online, but you need to know where to look. Search classifieds, join child acting forums, and also try Google searches. Everything is there if you look hard enough. We do strongly suggest researching any company you apply to first though, because safety is paramount.

Find auditions for kids in Melbourne with Casting Kids

Casting Kids are always on the lookout for children with a bit of attitude and flair. We’re also strongly supportive of promoting differently abled kids who want to try their hands at acting. Diversity is important to us. Clients and parents trust us, because our reputation for professionalism has been built over many years. If you want to find auditions for kids in Melbourne, contact us today. We’d love to meet your family and see how we can help!

Kids Model Casting Melbourne – Choosing the Right Clothes

model casting melbourne

Thinking of taking your child to some kids modelling casting sessions in Melbourne? Of course, the biggest thing you’re probably asking yourself is: “What should they wear?” It’s a great question, because casting directors can often be pretty strict about what they’re looking for. Unlike acting auditions, there’s not usually a specific role to dress for. So, here’s a few simple tips to help your child catch the director’s eye!

Model casting Melbourne 101: Keep colours bright

We can’t stress enough that you should try to have your child wearing something bright. It doesn’t have to be outlandish, but bright colours catch they eye. Specifically, you want to stay away from solid white, red and also black. White can tend to wash out your child’s face, while red can ‘bleed’ on camera. Black – well, unless it’s for a gothic toddler’s fashion store, we’d say no.

By wearing something bright, it makes your child that little bit more memorable. Remember, there’s probably plenty of competition so you certainly want to stand out from them.

No logos or slogans

We generally would advise against brand name logos and also slogans. Colourful and bright is certainly great, as long as there’s no visible logos or other kinds of trademarked image. It also may not please your child a great deal, but the same goes for cartoon characters. As much as they might love their favourite superhero, it’s best to keep shirts free of any branding when it comes to kid’s model casting in Melbourne.

Dress age-appropriately

It probably goes without saying, but dressing age-appropriately is strongly advised. Remember, the casting call is for child models, not child models who look like adults. The casting directors want children of a certain age, so dressing them up to look older or younger won’t win you any points.

Record what your child wears to model casting in Melbourne

If your child is successful on getting a call-back, you’ll certainly want to go back in the same outfit. This is because something caught the director’s eye the first time, so you want to do it again. It also helps them remember exactly what they loved about your child the first time. So, keep a simple record of what your child wears to each casting, then you’ll never forget!

Make sure your child is comfortable

Most importantly, make sure your child is comfortable in what they’re wearing. We’ve all seen how kids fidget and tug and pull at clothes they don’t like. It’s not a great look in the middle of casting, so letting them choose from a few carefully selected options is a good idea.

The best kids model casting in Melbourne

If your child wants to have a go at modelling, contact us today at Casting Kids. Our professional team are waiting to meet you and your family. We offer a personalised, friendly service and can help your little models get their start!

Kids Casting Melbourne – Advice for Auditions

kids casting melbourne

Does your child love acting? Plenty of children do, and we love watching their personalities shine, either in school plays or even just at home. However, if they’re looking to take the next step into an acting career, they’ll need to know all about how kids casting in Melbourne works. Landing an acting gig isn’t as easy as putting on a show for the family, so we’re here to help. Here’s some handy hints to help your child prepare for casting!

Memorise lines and practice, practice, practice

When your child is scheduled for an audition, they will be given some lines ahead of time. This gives them the opportunity to learn them, and also to rehearse however they feel comfortable. We strongly recommend helping your child understand the importance of learning lines.

We often think children would struggle with this, but the fact is they have incredible memories when they put their mind to it. Younger children first develop this ability when we read storybooks to them. Even before they can read, they can still remember the words to every page of a kid’s book!

So, help them out, get them feeling comfortable, and practice, practice, practice.

Dress appropriately for the role

It probably goes without saying, but if your child is heading to an audition they should dress for the role. That doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune on outfits or go overboard. However, if the role is for a child living in a seaside Australian town, for example, their clothing can be quite normal. If the commercial or TV show they’re auditioning for has a more formal setting, then a suit may be more appropriate.

If the casting people can see your child auditioning and looking similar to their own vision for the character, it can go a long way to helping land the part.

Make sure your child knows casting in Melbourne should be fun

Finally, remember that kids casting in Melbourne should be fun. While acting should be taken seriously, kids are still kids. They need to have fun and should never feel like they’re under too much pressure. Take some time to talk to your children about the process, and let them know it’s ok to have fun.

After all, it’s a child’s personality that often wins people over. So, make sure your child is ready to bring their whole wonderful self to an audition!

Want the best kids casting Melbourne has to offer?

Kids casting agencies in Melbourne aren’t all created equal. However, we’re happy to say that we have a reputation in the industry for our professional and personalised service. We deliver for our clients, and also the children we represent. If your child wants to get involved in acting, contact us today. We’d love to meet your family discuss how we can help.

Acting and Modelling: Signs of a Quality Child Agency

child agency melbourne

If your child is showing signs that they may be interested in modelling or acting, then it can be an amazing thing. Pursuing such a career will help boost their confidence and give them skills they can carry throughout their lives. But as a parent, you certainly want to make sure they’re being looked after by the best child agency Melbourne has to offer.

Beware of false promises

Honesty and integrity are important things in all industries, particularly in modelling and acting. Unfortunately, not every child agency in Melbourne will have your child’s best interest at heart. Some tell-tale signs of this are over-confidence and over-promising.

Agencies that promise they can absolutely find acting and modelling work for your child should be viewed with a degree of scepticism. These types of agencies will allow every child to register with them – for a fee, of course.

Rather, look for agencies who are honest. While it may be hard to hear, a reputable agency won’t represent every child. Usually, it is only those who they genuinely believe they can find work for. Also, you should only be paying for an agency’s service if they are genuinely representing your child and putting them forward for work.

With free service, you get what you pay for

Another type of agency to watch out for are free ones. While everybody loves a bargain, the fact is, agencies don’t run on thin air. Registration fees from their carefully selected clients keep the business running. These fees cover all sorts of things, specifically marketing your child to clients.

Agents or agencies who say they’re happy to represent your child for free, in exchange for a percentage of their earnings, will generally not be a great fit. In essence, you get what you pay for.

Look for a child agency in Melbourne with guaranteed clients

Reputable agencies will have a diverse range of clients on their books. Firstly, this shows that they’re professional, and industry clients love dealing with them. Furthermore, it increases the chance of your child finding work.

If an agency can’t provide you a list of regular clients who they’re placing children with for work, it may be best to look elsewhere.

Looking for a great child agency in Melbourne?

If you’re looking for a child agency in Melbourne that you can really trust, look no further. At Casting Kids, we have a reputation as being honest, caring and professional. We also promote inclusion and diversity, representing children of all abilities. Families feel safe with us, and we hope you will too! Contact us today to find out how we can help get your child’s acting or modelling career started.

How to Find Kids Modelling Jobs in Melbourne

kids modelling jobs Melbourne

So, your child has a big personality, loves being in front of a camera, and wants to try their hand at modelling? It can be a great way to let your child’s talent shine, boost their confidence and also a great way to earn some money for their future. Since we deliver our clients the best kids modelling Melbourne has to offer, we thought we’d share a little advice for interested parents!

Ensure your child really wants to model

Firstly, and it may be obvious to most, but we strongly recommend ensuring your child really wants to try modelling. Unfortunately, parent often think their son or daughter would be great at modelling. However, in contrast, the child isn’t so interested.

Kids modelling isn’t just as a way to make money, or a stepping stone to stardom. It needs to be something the child really loves doing. It can be a whole lot of fun, and there are certainly children who absolutely adore modelling. But, if the child isn’t truly interested, they won’t have the fun they should.

Research kids modelling Melbourne

If you and your child are both keen as mustard to step into the world of modelling, research is certainly your first step. Not only will you need to know where to find modelling gigs, but you also should clearly understand what the processes are.

While you can find modelling jobs advertised online, we usually recommend exploring casting agencies instead. Firstly, the jobs better, and you are also looked after by trusted professionals.

Find a reputable casting agency

Joining a reputable casting agency should be high on your list if your child is keen on modelling. While it certainly doesn’t guarantee more success, it does have many benefits.

  • A chance to work with industry professionals
  • Safe, secure environment
  • Only sent to jobs with trusted, safe clients
  • A foot in the door to better modelling jobs
  • Honest feedback

A good casting agency will develop a clear understanding of your child’s personality, skills and suitability for certain jobs. This can go a long way, and also reduces the risk of wasting your time dealing with not-so-reputable modelling jobs.

Are your kids looking for modelling jobs in Melbourne?

If you’d love to introduce your child to the wonderful world of modelling, why not give it a try! Casting Kids has found and developed modelling talent for over 16 years. We’ve gained a great reputation amongst our clients, because we find the best kids modelling Melbourne has to offer. You can read all about us here, or please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Nail Auditions for Kids in Melbourne

auditions for kids melbourne

Unlike adults, kids need more help to do well in auditions. This is especially true if the role they’re auditioning for has a very specific breakdown. A breakdown details the kind of character a casting director needs. In this post, we will discuss how your child can nail auditions for kids in Melbourne. While we’ve mentioned that talent agencies like us cannot guarantee that your child will be booked every time, we can give sound advice on how they can do well. 

Preparation is Key

Whether you’re helping your child prepare for an audition for a television commercial, series or film, preparation is always key. To do well means to prepare well.

Ask about the details.

Talent agencies usually provide you with the details of different auditions for kids in Melbourne. However, if it wasn’t given, make sure to always ask. Particularly, you can ask what your child should wear & if you can get a copy/script (if there is one).

Memorise & practise.

Once you have the copy, grab every opportunity to help your child memorise their lines & practise. Some lines may be foreign to them. Try your best to explain what it means. Children, just like adults, can best deliver their lines when they understand it. Furthermore, encourage them to try saying their lines in different ways. Why? During auditions for kids in Melbourne, casting directors may want them to deliver the script in a specific way.

Additionally, also run through the entire script if you have it. We know this takes time but knowing the entire story greatly helps. This will enable your child to act & say their lines within the right context.

Don’t focus on the little details too much.

As a parent, it’s natural to want your child to land the role. So, you do your very best to follow the prescribed outfit & look of the character. But don’t overdo it. Of course, we want them to look presentable but remember to focus on what’s important. And that’s to help them make the character their own which ultimately rests on their acting ability.

Speaking of outfit, make sure that they’re comfortable with what they’re wearing to auditions for kids in Melbourne as well. We don’t want them to be distracted. This can happen if they don’t feel confident about how they look or due to something as simple as itchy fabric.

Prepare them for possible rejection.

As we’ve mentioned, we cannot assure that your child will land each role they audition for. On this, we also advise helping them manage their expectations. It’s good for them to be confident but also prepare them for a possible rejection. Tell them that no matter how great they perform, someone else may still be chosen. This is not their fault & is the prerogative of the clients.

Have fun.

We know that acting is hard work but don’t forget to have fun with your child. More importantly, ensure that through everything, they find joy in what they’re doing. At the end of the day, they are still kids. They want to enjoy. So, auditions for kids in Melbourne should be no different. 

Then if they don’t get hired for the role, just reassure them. Praise them for doing their best & tell them that there are still other roles out there.

Start your child’s acting career with Casting Kids!

Whether you’re still thinking about it or are set on your child’s acting career, Casting Kids can help. With over a decade in the industry, we’ve helped kids build their acting careers. Just call us at 1300 020 285 or send an email to to have a chat. Alternatively, you can also reach us via Facebook or Instagram.

Choosing the Right Talent Agency for Your Child in Melbourne

kids talent agency melbourne

In our last post, we discussed the advantages of partnering with a child agency in Melbourne. To give you a brief recap, we said that a talent agency works alongside you to nurture your child’s career & safeguard their best interests. This time, we will go over the points to consider in finding the right one for your child.

Points to Consider in Choosing the Right Child Agency in Melbourne 

Years in the Industry

The years in the industry of a child agency in Melbourne can say a lot about them. A decade of experience can show how good they are in adapting to different clients’ requirements & any changes to it. 

It also means they have their finger on the pulse of the industry. They continuously take note of the latest trends in kids modelling & apply it as they see fit. By doing so, they provide their talent with the best chance of getting booked.

Diversity of Clients

Unless you’re looking for a child agency in Melbourne that only caters to a specific field, it’s good to find one that caters to different fields. These include television & radio commercials, film, catalogue & voice over, among others. Why? This provides a higher chance for your child to be booked. Moreover, this can help them discover talents which they may not have known before like acting. 

Online Presence

At the end of the day, kids modelling is still a business. So, a child agency in Melbourne who makes use of different marketing trends particularly digital marketing gets an advantage. For instance, having regular fresh content on their websites & social media profiles could help agencies rank higher in search engines. This, in turn, could help them land more clients which would mean more chances of getting booked for your child. Furthermore, when an agency regularly updates its website & profiles with their latest projects/bookings, they show potential talent & clients that they can deliver. 

Quality of Client & Talent Feedback

As with anything else, the quality of feedback from an agency’s clients & talent speaks volumes about them. It helps you gauge how they work as an agency. If their reviews are mostly negative, it’s best to proceed with caution if you plan to work with them. If it’s mostly positive, it could serve as an assurance that you’re working with a good team.

Commitment & Sincerity

Here’s a fact: a child agency in Melbourne can only commit to doing their best to promote your child. The decision to hire still falls on each client. So, be wary if a talent agency guarantees work for your child. They don’t have the final say. Clients do. 

Still, as we mentioned above, those who do their best to market & utilise different strategies gets an advantage. On that, the right agency will not only commit to promoting your kid but also do it with sincerity. They won’t just put your child forward for the sake of doing so. They will put their heart into it. They will make sure to represent your child as best as they could.

Friendly & Personalised Talent Management by Casting Kids

Here at Casting Kids, we make sure to provide a friendly & personalised approach in managing our talent & their families. The same goes for our clients. By having an intimate understanding of each child we represent, we can best put them forward. About this, we strive to promote diversity & inclusion in the industry. We do this by promoting kids of all abilities including those with Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome & limb differences. 

Then with our years of experience & by continuously studying the market, we have the highest chance of catering to what our clients look for. So, if you’re looking for a child agency in Melbourne, we’re just a call or email away. Alternatively, you can also reach us through Facebook or Instagram. We’re eager to help you discover & nurture your child’s potential.