Author Archives: Casting Kids

Common Mistakes When Not Using a Kids Acting Agency

kids acting agency

If your child has a thirst for acting, it’s an exciting time for both of you. Whether your child starts in school plays or wants to get straight into the acting game, it can be difficult to navigate. That’s why so many parents choose to partner with a reputable kids acting agency for guidance. However, those who rush in without the proper support often find themselves in dangerous or less-than-ideal situations. Here are some of the common mistakes people make when pursuing an acting career without an experienced agent

Attending unsafe auditions

The biggest nightmare for any parent would be having their child put in a potentially unsafe situation while acting. Unfortunately, not all casting calls are genuine, and some may expose your child to unscrupulous characters. Without the watchful eye of an agency, you might inadvertently take your child to an unsafe audition. A reputable kids acting agency screens opportunities, ensuring your child’s safety is paramount. Always remember, an audition’s legitimacy isn’t about its allure but its authenticity.

Unpaid or low-paying work

While it’s natural to leap at every opportunity, not all gigs are equal. Many parents, in their excitement, overlook the compensation aspect. But let’s be honest, while passion is great, it doesn’t pay the bills. Many people offer casting calls for inexperienced child actors, citing ‘experience’ as the main benefit, rather than being paid properly. Naturally, these are the types of jobs you want avoid.

Moreover, undervaluing your child’s talent can set a precedent for future jobs. A seasoned kids acting agency knows the industry rates, ensuring that your child receives deserving compensation for their work. After all, talent shouldn’t be short-changed.

Auditions your child isn’t ready for

Every child has a unique talent, and just because they excel in one role doesn’t mean they’re suited for all. Taking your child to every audition can lead to rejections, which, in turn, can dent their confidence. An agency tailors audition selections based on your child’s strengths, ensuring a higher chance of success.

It’s not just about the types of roles either. Your child may be very new to acting, and it can damage their self-esteem if you send them to auditions where every other child is clearly more experienced.

Not considering your child’s long-term career

The glitz and glamour of acting can sometimes overshadow the end game – building a sustainable career. Jumping from one gig to another without a coherent plan might bring immediate success, but what about the long run? An acting agency doesn’t just find opportunities; they build a roadmap for your child’s long-term career. They consider growth, skill development, and brand-building, ensuring your child isn’t just a fleeting star but enjoys a long and prosperous career.

Want a reputable kids acting agency in Melbourne?

Navigating the world of child acting can be smoother with a guide by your side. If you’re seeking the best representation for your budding actor, consider Casting Kids. As a trusted agency in Melbourne, we’re committed to nurturing child actors and models, ensuring they shine while staying safe. Want to give your child the head start they deserve? Contact us today, and find out how we can kick-start your child’s acting career.

Is There Work for Child Modelling in Melbourne?

child modelling agencies melbourne

If you’ve been curious about whether there’s potential for child modelling in Melbourne, you’ve come to the right place. The beautiful city of Melbourne, known for its vibrant culture and arts scene, has a significant media and advertising industry, presenting plenty of opportunities for young talents. Let’s find out all about child modelling in Melbourne.

Different types of jobs for child modelling in Melbourne

Firstly, Melbourne isn’t just about fashion runways. Modelling takes many forms, such as catalogues, fashion shows, digital media and much more. So, what types of child modelling jobs can you expect to find in Melbourne?

  1. Print Ads: Think about those huge billboards you come across while driving, or magazine spreads that catch your eye. Often, businesses look for young models to convey a particular message or evoke specific emotions in their audience.
  2. TV Ads: Remember those cereal or toy commercials that almost make you wish you were a kid again? Television commercials remain a significant avenue where young models shine brightly.
  3. Fashion Modelling: Melbourne’s fashion industry is continually evolving. From local boutique launches to renowned fashion events, there’s no shortage of runways for child models to strut their stuff.
  4. Websites: Many businesses nowadays maintain an online presence. Whether it’s for clothing brands or educational products, they frequently need child models for website content.

Modelling classes can help you nail an audition

Now that you can see the range of modelling opportunities out there for kids, it’s time to start nailing those auditions. This is where modelling classes come into play. These sessions are not just about walking with grace or striking a pose. They instil confidence, teach discipline, and offer insights into how the industry works. Most importantly, they prepare young talents for auditions, ensuring they leave an impression that’s hard to forget.

Ensure you have reputable child modelling representation

Navigating the modelling world can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially to newcomers. It’s crucial to have someone experienced by your side, guiding your little model’s journey. Partnering with a reputable agency ensures you’re informed about genuine opportunities while avoiding potential pitfalls. They have your child’s best interests at heart, ensuring not just jobs but the right kind of exposure and experience.

Find child modelling jobs in Melbourne

If your child is ready to start attending auditions, you first need to know where to find them. Here are a few options to try.

  1. Get an agent: An agent is your child’s ticket to the best gigs in town. They have connections, know the industry inside out, and can present opportunities that you might not even be aware of.
  2. Social media ads: It’s the digital age, after all! Brands and agencies often put out casting calls on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. Just ensure they’re from credible sources.
  3. Online auditions: Websites often post audition calls. Always vet these opportunities. Ensure they’re genuine and from reputable organisations. Remember, safety first!

Need help with child modelling in Melbourne?

If the world of child modelling seems daunting, don’t despair just yet. Casting Kids is here to help. Dedicated to representing young talent, we guide child actors and models in Melbourne, ensuring they have the best start to their careers. Want to learn more? Reach out, and let’s discuss how your child can shine in the spotlight!

Child Talent Development: Cultivating Your Child’s Acting Skills

child talent development

Child talent development is a fundamental concept for parents who are looking to cultivate their child’s acting skills. This process doesn’t simply involve recognising and nurturing abilities, it goes much further by refining these skills through focused training and exposure to meaningful opportunities. In the context of Australia’s vibrant and competitive entertainment industry, a well-designed talent development strategy can serve as the foundation for successful acting careers. Importantly, each child’s talent development journey is unique, necessitating an approach that is sensitive to their individual strengths, interests, and aspirations.

Importance of professional training in acting

The role of professional training in child talent development cannot be overstated. Registering your child in high-quality acting classes can open doors to numerous opportunities while building their self-assurance and stage presence. These structured courses provide insights into various acting techniques, including script interpretation, body language, voice modulation, and emotive expression. When choosing an acting school, it’s essential to consider several factors such as the institution’s reputation, its curriculum, the qualifications of trainers, and how well it aligns with your child’s personality and future goals.

The benefits of participating in local productions

Aside from formal training, encouraging your child’s involvement in local productions can offer a practical, hands-on experience. This significantly contributes to their talent development. Whether it’s school plays, community theatre, or local television productions, each experience serves as a stepping stone, building resilience and familiarising them with the auditioning process. These practical engagements also provide a platform for your child. They will put their learned skills into practice, fostering a better understanding of the acting industry’s dynamics.

Personal growth: A crucial aspect of child talent development

While developing acting skills is undoubtedly important, personal growth plays an equally vital role in child talent development. Cultivating soft skills such as effective communication, resilience, empathy, and patience can be as valuable as honing performance skills. These essential qualities can provide an additional edge during auditions and enable your child to handle the inevitable highs and lows of an acting career with grace, understanding, and positivity.

Striking the right balance: A key to successful talent development

Balance is a key element in child talent development. It’s crucial to ensure that your child can juggle their school commitments, acting endeavours, and personal time effectively. While this can often be challenging, it’s important to ensure they have time for relaxation, academic pursuits, and social activities along with their acting commitments. This balanced approach helps prevent burnout, maintains enthusiasm for their acting journey, and ensures they continue to enjoy their childhood.

How Casting Kids can facilitate your child’s talent development

Casting Kids, one of Australia’s leading child talent agencies, is committed to fostering and nurturing your child’s acting abilities. We believe in creating a supportive environment that promotes holistic talent development while connecting them with prime acting opportunities. Our mission is to support your child’s acting career every step of the way, making their journey enjoyable and rewarding. Contact Casting Kids today for more information on how we can help your child’s talent development journey.

5 Common Misconceptions About Kids Modelling

kids modelling melbourne

Children’s modelling is a growing industry and with the rise of social media, it’s become easier to get into. While it’s true that there are many misconceptions about child modelling, it doesn’t mean that you should avoid doing it. In fact, if you’re interested in pursuing this career path for your children, here are five common misconceptions that we’d like to address.

Kids modelling is easy

Many people think that modelling is easy, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Modelling is a lot of work, and it’s definitely not easy. It requires discipline and focus to be able to sit still for long periods of time in front of the camera. Kids are constantly moving, which means they’re not always going to be able to hold a pose or give the expression required. If your child is keen on modelling, they need to have a good temperament and be willing to work hard.

Kids modelling jobs are dangerous

We’ve all heard the horror stories of child stars in the US being subjected to dangerous conditions. Unfortunately, this misconception permeates the acting and modelling world, and there is some truth to it. Kids modelling is just like any industry that’s full of mostly good people, with a few who ruin it for others.

The reality is, you as a parent always have the final say over what your child can do on a modelling job. If you’re not comfortable with a person or situation, you can remove your child. But it’s also important not to go into modelling thinking that everybody does the wrong thing. Because when you work with a reputable kids modelling agency and great clients, the risks are extremely low.

Kids modelling is all about looks

You may think that modelling is all about looks, but that’s a very deceiving concept. Of course, a certain look is important, but every job requires a different look. There is no set definition of what a child should look like for modelling. Looks definitely aren’t’ everything, especially where children’s modelling is concerned. It’s more about having the right temperament and personality.

Every child can be a model

Kids modelling is certainly available for everybody to try, but there are no guarantees. Here at Casting Kids, for example, we’re fully inclusive and represent children with all abilities. But only if we genuinely believe we can find opportunities for your child. For example, if a child doesn’t have the right temperament to take directions in front of a camera, they may not be suitable, and we won’t take your registration fees if we don’t think we can help.

Modelling isn’t easy, so it’s important not to get a child’s hopes up when you first visit a modelling agency.

All child models end up as adult models

Doing some modelling as a child doesn’t mean that you’ll end up as a model forever. Sure, some love the industry and excel in it. But others do it for a while as kids, and then move on to other things in life. There are definitely careers available for those who are interested, but just because your child does some modelling, it doesn’t mean they can only ever be models. Your kids can grow up to be whatever they want!

If you’d like to get your child started with a career in modelling, contact us at Casting Kids today. We’re your trusted kids modelling agency in Melbourne.

How to Become a Child Actor in Australia

How to Become a Child Actor in Australia

Build your resume

Build a resume that is easy to read. Include your name, phone number, email address and address in the top left corner of the page. Include acting experience and education on your resume. If you have been in any shows or commercials before, list them here along with any awards won for acting. List any special skills such as dancing or singing as well if they apply to what you want to do professionally as an actor.

Get the right training

The next step is to get the right training. You will need to learn how to act, sing and dance and improve your voice and speech. A good drama school will teach these skills in a fun way and make them easier for you to pick up as well as help build confidence in yourself.

A good drama school will also teach public speaking so that when it comes time for auditions you can deliver a great performance on stage or in front of the camera no matter how nervous you may feel at first.

Have professional photos taken

Look for a photographer who has experience working with children. Headshots are part of the process, so it’s important to have these. Photos help clients to identify whether you have the right look for their commercial or another acting role. If you’re going to join a talent agency, you can hold off on this suggestion though. That’s because reputable child talent agencies usually include professional photos. It’s all part of how to become a child actor in Australia.

Get an agent

Agents are the people who represent actors and actresses, helping them find work in projects as well as negotiate their contracts with producers. If you don’t have an agent representing your interests, it can be difficult for producers who are looking for new talent to find out about your skillset. Look for a reputable child agency like Casting Kids, and half your work is done!

Need help with how to become a child actor in Australia?

Casting Kids has been representing children from babies through to 16 years old for more than a decade. As a fully inclusive casting agency, we work with all children of all abilities. If your child wants to get into the entertainment industry, we would love to meet them. We like to meet all of our children and families so that we can understand their goals and interests and help them reach their full potential as actors. It is our goal as an agency to provide a safe, fun and enjoyable experience for every child who joins us whether they are professional actors or just starting out.

For the best child acting agency in Melbourne, contact Casting Kids today and find out how we can help.

Why Casting for Teens is Different Than for Younger Children

teenage modelling agencies melbourne casting for teens

Casting for teens is often a totally different process than say, casting for babies or younger children. Essentially, more is expected of teens, and the roles they audition for are likely to be more involved. Whether it’s learning lines, working with costumes and other actors, or simply adopting more of a character-based role, it’s important that teens know what’s expected of them. With that in mind, here are some of the reasons casting for teens can be a lot different than what they have experienced as younger children.

It’s difficult to find a good teen actor

Firstly, when casting for teens, directors need to take into account that the actor’s schedule might be busier. They may be in school or working. They could also have sports or other extracurricular activities they need to attend to. Because of this, it can be difficult to find good teen actors who are available on the days and times you need them.

All this really means is that you might find there is less competition for teen roles. Actors might not be available, or they may even step away from acting after trying it as a kid. With that being said, auditions aren’t a walk in the park, and there will still be plenty of competition for good roles.

Teens are more capable of taking direction

One of the key differences between kids’ casting and teens’ casting is the fact that teens are more capable of taking direction and listening to the director. Second, they may need to be more collaborative with other actors, or work with props and costumes. This is not always the case when casting younger children, but there is a little more expected of teens. The great thing is, teens are still encouraged to show their personality and express themselves during auditions.

Casting for teens is more likely to involve learning lines

As we mentioned above, teens are more capable of learning and reciting lines, so there is more expected of them during an audition. It really depends on the role, because not every acting job involves a speaking role. However, most of them do, so your teen will need to be prepared to learn lines before an audition.

In some cases, they may only be given lines on the day, so if they area skilled at reading lines and memorising them quickly, they will have a big advantage over other aspiring actors. This is a skill you should definitely encourage your child or teen to pursue.

Need help with casting for teens?

Casting for teens is a bit different than casting for younger children. It’s more likely that you’ll need to learn lines and take direction, which can be difficult for some teens. We’ve been casting for teens and children in the Melbourne area for years and have developed a strong reputation. If your child wants excellent representation in the entertainment industry, contact us today.

Finding Quality Melbourne Modelling Agencies

melbourne modelling agencies

Are you looking for Melbourne modelling agencies that can truly help your child’s career? Here are some tips for finding the right one.

Ask about the client list

Every modelling agency has a client list that they work with regularly. This is the list of businesses that use the agency to source models. For example, some of the bigger names on our client list include Big W, Mazda, Bonds, Target, Kmart and many more. Other agencies may only work with boutique clients, which is totally fine too, however, they may not be able to offer as many auditions.

If the agency you’re considering is vague about its client list, or they simply don’t have many clients, it may not represent the best value for you or your child.

Attend an initial meeting

Most Melbourne modelling agencies want to meet their models before signing up. This is ultimately to ensure the child is a good fit for the agency, and vice versa. While it’s quite convenient to do everything online, at the very least you should expect to be offered an initial meeting via video link.

These first meetings are a great way to use your gut feel. Not every decision needs to be backed up by facts and figures. So, you’ll know if an agency feels supportive, friendly, reliable and professional. If you don’t get good vibes from the initial meeting, it’s probably best to try elsewhere.

How much do Melbourne modelling agencies charge?

Typically, you have two choices when it comes to paying for the services of a Melbourne modelling agency. Well, when we say choice, every agency has different payment structures but there are usually two types.

Firstly, you can pay a percentage fee. So, for any income your child makes, your agency will take a percentage. While this seems like a fair process, there is one glaring issue with it. This type of fee structure means that agencies get paid whether they refer your child or not. It creates a temptation to only send the most experienced child models to auditions.

Alternatively, some agencies, like Casting Kids, use an annual fee. This means you pay the same amount each year for 12 months of representation and other benefits. We feel this is the fairest system because it encourages us to refer all suitable children for auditions. As a parent, if your child isn’t getting auditions, you’re unlikely to keep paying the annual fees year after year.

Does the agency guarantee work?

This tip can be a bit of a minefield, to be honest. Some agencies guarantee they can find modelling work for your child. This sounds amazing, and if true, then you’ve found a great one. But the reality is, casting agencies can’t guarantee work. The agency’s clients make the final call on who gets a modelling job, based on auditions and other factors.

So, a reputable agency doesn’t really guarantee success, because they know it’s not possible. What they can guarantee is the proper representation and plenty of referrals to auditions.

Looking for reliable Melbourne modelling agencies?

If you’d like to help your child start a career in modelling, Casting Kids is the smart choice. We’re fully inclusive, supportive and give your child the opportunities he or she needs. Contact us today to find out more.

Types of Auditions for Kids in Melbourne

auditions for kids melbourne

Has your child been bitten by the acting or modelling bug? Kids often love performing, and it’s often a great sign that they would enjoy acting, modelling or the performing arts. However, trying to find auditions for kids in Melbourne can be difficult if you don’t know what you’re looking for.

The best way to access more acting and modelling auditions is with representation. A children’s talent agency will help you and your child navigate the tricky entertainment industry. But what sorts of auditions are actually available? Let’s look at some common ones.


TV commercials often feature children. However, advertisements today aren’t just for TV. Thanks to the digital revolution, commercials are everywhere online. Roles for kids in advertising campaigns certainly aren’t limited to children’s products. You’ll probably recognise plenty of popular advertising campaigns for cars, holidays, food products and a whole lot more featuring kids in prominent roles.

The type of audition will vary depending on the age requirement. For example, if it were a commercial for nappies, the casting director typically wants a baby. Usually, they’ll just be looking for a certain temperament because obviously babies haven’t quite developed their acting chops yet.

Roles for older kids or teens require a more intense audition process. They may be required to dress a certain way or deliver some lines, so it’s all about preparation.


Children’s modelling takes many different forms. Think about the enormous range of advertising in the modern world, such as magazines, catalogues, newspapers, websites, social media and more. Because there is so much variety in advertising, that means there’s a huge variety of modelling roles for kids.

When attending a modelling audition, children need to show a good temperament. But older kids will also need to take some direction in terms of their movement and posing. This gets easier with experience, but it never hurts to help your child practice before an audition. Best of all, the practice isn’t hard, because most children love playing dress-ups!

TV and movies

Many TV shows and movies require child actors. Whether it’s a significant role or not, these spots are always pretty hotly contested. It’s a great way to get children into the industry and give them more experience.

When you attend these auditions for kids in Melbourne, there will likely be some quite experienced performers there. So, again, preparation is the key. Roles for older children will almost certainly require some speaking too, so you’ll need to help your youngsters practice their lines.

Want more auditions for kids in Melbourne?

If you’re looking for high-quality acting and modelling representation for your child, look no further than Casting Kids. We represent children from 0-16, and we’re a fully inclusive agency. This means we represent children of all abilities. With a packed client list including some of Australia’s biggest retailers, we offer plenty of opportunities for our kids to strut their stuff in front of casting directors. Whether it’s acting or modelling, we’re here to support your child’s career. Contact us today to find out more.

Casting for Teens – How to Prepare

teenage modelling agencies melbourne casting for teens

If your child has been involved in acting or modelling for a while, you’ll know what to expect. You’ve been through auditions and casting calls, and you’re probably a pro at it by now. However, if you have a teenager who is just starting to show an interest in this line of work, you’ll need a little advice to get you going. Even if your child has been involved in acting, performing or modelling before, but they’ve now reached their teenage years, the casting for teens is a little different.

When children are much younger, there’s less importance placed on appearance and the ability to learn lines. The roles are usually smaller, and most directors also know that toddlers and younger children won’t be professional actors. But for teens, a little more is expected. Let’s take a look at how casting changes as your child grows.

A certain look

The entertainment industry has grown significantly in recent years when it comes to diversity. Casting Kids has always represented children with different abilities, but the industry as a whole is still evolving. Despite this evolution, many casting directors have a particular ‘look’ in mind if they’re running a photo shoot or a commercial.

This isn’t even necessarily about race, weight, or anything like that. They just have a certain look in mind. They might want a scruffy teenager, for example. Or they might want an athletic teenager. It just depends on the role. But the good thing is, you should be able to find out what look the director wants, and help your teen to dress and groom themselves appropriately.

Casting for teens – learning lines

As a young child, learning lines isn’t necessarily a part of the casting process. In some cases, your child might have one line to say, but that’s about it. Casting for teens is a little different because they usually have more prominent speaking roles. This is more common for commercials and TV shows, so when getting ready for an audition, you might need to help your child learn some lines to impress the director.

Taking direction

Finally, whether it’s during a casting audition or actually on set, being able to take direction is a must. Your teenager needs to listen to what the director is saying, and respond accordingly. This is a bit different than the younger age groups, where it’s commonly accepted that small children aren’t great at taking direction. So, make sure your teenager is ready to respond when a casting director asks them to act or perform a certain way.

Need help with casting for teens?

Here at Casting Kids, we represent children up to the age of 16, and we have plenty of opportunities for keen, talented teens. With an impressive client list, we can do a lot to help your child or teen kickstart their career. Whether it’s acting or modelling, Casting Kids gives your child the best chance for success. If you’d like to find out why so many people choose Casting Kids, contact us today. We’d love to hear from you!

How Do Children’s Agents Find Work for Your Child?

children's agents

If you’ve got a youngster who loves performing, then you’ve probably considered getting them an agent. This makes sense because the entertainment industry can be difficult to navigate if you’ve never been involved before. You’ll have more success finding acting and modelling jobs with the help of children’s agents. But how exactly does an agent help your child? Let’s look further into what you should know before hiring an agent.

How much does an agent cost?

Before we get too far into things, you should consider the cost of an agent. However, a low cost (or even no cost) is not always the best way to go. Most children’s agents charge some kind of fee. For example, at Casting Kids, we charge a $450 annual registration fee. This covers professional photography, a profile on Casting Networks and of course, 12 months of representation from your agent.

We choose to operate with an annual fee because it motivates us to work hard for ALL of our kids, not just the ones who get the most work. Some agencies might charge no upfront fees but take a percentage of earnings. This works in some cases, but it does mean the agent is likely to invest more time into the most successful children.

How do children’s agents find work?

Typically, the most common way for you to find work through an agent is by attending auditions. Your agent will let you know that there’s an audition coming up, and they can refer your child if they’re deemed suitable. This is the usual way that people find work through an agent.

In terms of where these auditions come from, it’s usually through regular clients. So, your children’s agency will have a list of regular clients they work with. Those clients contact the agent to advise they’re shooting a commercial or running auditions for a TV show (or whatever the job might be). It’s then up to the agent to determine which children on their roster are suited to attend an audition.

For this reason, you’ll want to choose an agent with a strong client list. Here at Casting Kids, our clients include quality brands and companies such as Bonds, Target, Myer, Cotton On, Village Cinemas, Country Road and many, many more. This is how we provide regular opportunities for the children we represent.

Do children’s agents guarantee work?

Unfortunately, there is never a guarantee of work. It’s our commitment to represent all children fairly and equally. But the final call on acting and modelling jobs is made by the client. More specifically, the casting director who runs the auditions. So, while we provide plenty of audition opportunities, we can’t guarantee your child will be successful.

Looking for an agency to help your child’s career?

Here at Casting Kids, we represent children from ages 0-16, and we’re a fully inclusive agency. That means representing children of all abilities and promoting diversity within the entertainment industry. We treat all of our children and their families with honesty and respect. If you’re ready to start your child’s acting or modelling journey, contact us today.