Have you considered getting your child into acting or modelling? It can be a pretty lonely road without the right support. That’s why so many people register with a child agency in Melbourne for a better chance of success.

Access to quality jobs

Of course, the first reason you might consider joining a child agency in Melbourne is to find work. There are plenty of acting and modelling jobs out there for kids, but without representation you may not find out about them. Major clients generally have preferred agencies they use for casting calls. They don’t advertise online because applications and auditions would be a nightmare to manage. So, they contact agencies like Casting Kids and ask for referrals.

If you join a reputable child agency with good clients, you’ll get access to more auditions. And while it’s always up to you and your child to advance their career in whatever way you choose, an agency makes it easier. You won’t need to spend hours scouring online sources looking for work, because your agency should provide regular opportunities to audition.

Safe working environments

The other point about working with an agency is you end up with better jobs. We’re not just talking about finances either. When trying to find jobs online or elsewhere, your child might end up working on non-professional sets, with some productions even asking for free labour in return for exposure.

These environments aren’t great, and some can be downright unsafe. The clients we work with at Casting Kids, for example, are professional and conduct themselves as such. If your child wins a role, you can reasonably expect they’ll be working in a professional, safe environment.

Ongoing support from a child agency in Melbourne

When you join a child agency in Melbourne you don’t just get representation. You also get other things such as access to professional networks, profiles on industry websites, professional photos and more. You can always contact your agency if you have questions or concerns. When you try to go it alone, you don’t get these sorts of advantages.


The support you get from a child agency usually extends to offering plenty of advice along the way. For example, if your child is being sent to lots of auditions but isn’t winning jobs, you may be wondering why. You can contact your agency and ask for some advice, such as how to prepare better for auditions.

Having support like this can be a great comfort, especially if you and your family are completely new to the industry.

Looking for the best child agency in Melbourne?

Casting Kids loves meeting new kids and families! We’ve been in the business for over 16 years. In that time we’ve developed a huge client list, giving us access to plenty of acting and modelling jobs for kids. Plus, we’re a fully inclusive agency, representing children of all abilities. If you’d like to join a child agency in Melbourne to help your little ones make their way in the entertainment industry, we’d love to hear from you. Contact us today and we’d be happy to discuss your goals further!

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